Rustic Style

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We live in a cabin so rustic style works for us.  We’ve lived in a beach home and a Scottsdale home and rustic style worked then too.  In fact, every home, condo, apartment, duplex or mobile home I’ve ever live in, the rustic style was perfect.

Guess I’m a rustic kind of gal! 🙂

Aging Wood Instantly | Country Design Style |

To get the rustic style on my current projects I’ve resorted to using an aged wood technique.

Get your free printable of the aging wood technique by clicking here!

Old wood is not readily available in our small community.  Old barn wood is very expensive in Arizona.  There’re not many barns.  So, I use inexpensive pine for many DIY projects.


Here are DIY projects made using rustic style and the aged wood technique.

blogger sawblade sign #burlap #rustic #sign

I’m starting out with my fav.

My blogger saw blade spinning sign made with wood from an old cabinet that was painted white and later painted black.  I sanded most of the old paint off and added the aged wood technique.  Yes, the saw blade spins in between the sandwich of boards.  I used burlap on the sides to keep the rustic style.  Plus… it was easier than adding trim along the edges.


Learn how to make a DIY faux mantel. I make this one using scrap wood, broken spindles, thrift store frames and used chalkboard paint in the firebox area. Display in any room. Country Design Style

This is mantel is another favorite.  It’s a fun place to display…

rustic stuff!

The wood on top was “aged” but I dream of making another faux mantel and aging all the wood!

Wouldn’t that be cool??

Shelf under TV #tvshelf #hangtv #rusticstyle

Our TV shelf was fun to build because my grandson helped!    It’s rustic and aged.  Aging the wood was easier that painting the wood for my grandson.  Painting can be hard, but the aging technique is very forgiving.

buffet turned desk #repurpose #desk #diy

I like the rustic look of the computer pull out with the aged wood and the creamy white of the “buffet turned repurposed desk.”  Some of the drawers have files boxes added that slide out.

They hold years worth of DIY ideas!

Tea and vinegar stained table top #agingwood #rusticstyle

Here’s some rustic style in action.  This is the table top of our outdoor coffee table.  The aging technique seems to have a preserving or protecting quality as well.  The table looks the same as the day I finished it!  It sits outside in all weather from sun to rain to snow.

I would love to make a little rustic potting shed and using the aging wood technique


Can you see how much I love the rustic style and using the aging wood technique?

I’m beginning to think the dogs are afraid I’ll try using the technique on them if they sit still too long! 🙂

Do you have a rustic side??

Have you tried the aged wood technique yet?

When you do, take photos and send them along.  I would love to showcase your project in a post.  Just click here or on the “Share Your Project” along the side and upload your photos.


List of the tutorial links scattered around this post!

Aging Wood Instantly

Blogger Saw Blade Spinning Sign

Scrap Wood Mantel

TV Shelf

My Repurposed Desk

Outdoor Coffee Table

Plus loads more projects using the Aging Wood Instantly Technique!


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  1. I love rustic style! Oh goodness! That desk is my favorite! Your techniques for aging look like they work really well..

    1. Heather, thanks. The aging works great. If you give it a try let me know. I would love to see your results. You can share any projects by clicking “share your projects” over on the right. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 ~Jeanette

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