Home Tours Organization


home tour organization https://countrydesignstyle.com #organize

I’m not a professional organizer.

I’ve not taken an organizing class.

I have read a couple of book on organization…they didn’t help.

I’ve tried organization tips…they didn’t stick.

At first glance you wouldn’t notice.  You know in the TV shows where someone opens a closet and everything inside comes tumbling down??

That happens!

Here’s one of my organization ideas, for example.

popcorn popper https://countrydesignstyle.comWe have a old hot air popcorn popper.  I love it.  You add all your calories in the loads of butter you pour on top.

Popcorn around here goes in about 3 month cycles.  Before last Wednesday we were in the eating all we could get cycle.

Last Wednesday my popcorn cycle stopped for a year.

I got braces. 🙂 But that’s not part of this issue.

Now back to my organization issue.

blender blade https://countrydesignstyle.com I also have a nifty blender blade thingy.  It doesn’t stand up well so….

blender blade in popcorn popper http://countrydeisgnstyle.comI got the bright idea to store it inside the popcorn popper.  Cool, right?

Last Tuesday I was gone all day and Mike was left to fend for himself.  Usually that means a trip to the local cafe to eat, because Mike prides himself on not knowing where the forks are hidden.

But for some reason he decided to make popcorn.  Finding the popcorn popper, this was what he placed on the counter!

He was tried to figure out how to attach the blade thingy!

I does look like it stirred the popcorn around in the bottom, right?  Finally deciding this piece must not belong he started making popcorn.

And forget to place the top on! 😀

The dogs were thrilled!  Popcorn everywhere!

It’s been a week and I’m still finding popcorn.

Anyway, here’s our chance to peek inside the homes of my favorite organized ladies on this home tours organization.

I’m going to learn!

how to have a fake immaculate houseBecky at Organizing Made Fun does make it fun and simple.  Plus, I do her great fake immaculate house tips!  Shhhh!


Jen from I Heart Organizing revealed a playroom I could play and live in…and we don’t have kids at home any longer!

Organized-Kids-ClosetGinny blogs at Organizing Homelife and organized this kids closet that is a shared closet!!!  Simply awesome!

What I still need to learn from my organized fellow bloggers…

  • I keep a huge yoga ball in the top shelf of our coat closet.  It does sit on a paper plate that sometimes keeps it from falling on our head!
  • My printer is in a kitchen cabinet.  Thank goodness for wireless printing!
  • I stack broken chandeliers and lamp shades on the top of our laundry room cabinets.  Not a pretty sight.

I’m not at total loss and here’s a few things I’ve found that do work for me in the organizational area of life.

Farmhouse file box – If it’s rustic and my style I will use it.

Yard Sale Tips – I love going to yard sales and hosting creative ones.

25 tips to organize your life – Some work for me, others I’m still “developing into my life!” 🙂

How organized are you?


Got any tips for me?  Let me know in comments.

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