Twine Balls and Sticks

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Twine orbs and sticks | Country Design Style |

Have you seen the yarn balls on Pinterest?

I’m not sure if this post is about making as much as it’s about inspiring…

and then stretching the inspiring idea.

I often say, “thank goodness we all have different tastes and styles, otherwise the world would be a boring place.”

Can you imagine if we all liked the same thing?  Boring!  Plus, creativity would be stagnant.

So, here’s to being inspired by yarn balls and adding my own twist.

Then taking it a bit further…just like dad!!

Twine Balls DIY

Supplies for twine orbs | Country Design Style |

Supplies for twine balls

Twine {I used 18 feet for a 4 to 5-inch balloon}
Round Balloon
3 Tablespoons of craft glue {craft glue will dry harder than regular white glue}
Container to mix
Something to stir with {I used a paintbrush handle…then used my fingers}

Twine-Orbs mixed with glue | Country Design Style |

I added about 2 tablespoons to the glue to make it easier to mix.  Then I plopped the twine into the glue and mixed with my fingers.  By the way, that yoghurt that was in that container…delicious!

Twine orbs glued | Country Design Style |

Blow up the balloon to about 4 to 5-inches.  Now the hard part…find an end.  Then start wrapping the gooey twine around the balloon.  Continue wrapping and rolling around the balloon.  I left an area to add a small battery tea light candle.

Twine orbs drying | Country Design Style |

Then hang to dry.  I hung this overnight and woke up to this….

Twine orbs oops| Country Design Style |

the balloon must have had a small hole!  But it didn’t matter.  The glue dried in time.

Below is a “live” video sharing a funny story about my dad and just why I wanted to try making twine balls.



Thank you, dad, for not letting the challenges stop you!

Dads 70s light | Country Design Style |

This grainy photo is of the 70’s light my dad made.  I sure that garage still has half marbles and aquarium rocks glued to the floor and walls! Lol!

Supplies for twine sticks | Country Design Style |

It’s time to stretch the twine balls.  {dad would be proud}

Supplies for twine sticks

Twine {I used 12 feet for the longer stick and 9 for the smaller stick}
Craft glue
Container to mix
Cardboard tube from gift paper
Piece of wax paper

Twine projects | Country Design Style |

Cover the cardboard tube with wax paper and tuck in the ends.  Mix the twine in the glue using the steps above.


Wrap the twine around the tube making sure to go around one end.

Twine sticks dried | Country Design Style |

Let dry.  Then remove the wax paper from the tube.  Then carefully remove the hardened twine from the wax paper.

Twine-balls-DIY-and-sticks | Country Design Style |

I used extra pieces of twine to hang the twine balls and sticks.

Twine-balls-DIY-and-sticks-for-pinning | Country Design Style |

How would you make these in your style?

Here is are other posts using twine.  Wrapped in Twine, Twine Nests, Twine Globe.  If you already have Christmas on the mind, here’s a twine tree idea.

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  1. linda kelley says:

    I did this with a young friend who came to visit…we had so much fun doing these in her bedroom colors.These are fun! I love those book covers…gorgeous!

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