Thrift Shop Project Twine
If you love easy “put your feet up” kind of projects, this thrift shop project using twine is for you.
On Friday night we held the annual fundraising event for our local animal shelter. I helped decorate and love helping the animals in the best way I can. I’m not good at asking for money, selling tickets or cooking, but I can decorate for the event and make event favors.
Our set up began Friday morning and Friday afternoon I came home bone tired and still needing a quick, easy ?something? else for the wine table. Something I could do with my feet up on the ottoman kind of project.
Glancing around the now cluttered craft room from all the projects I noticed a partially used ball of twine. The twine I bought from the humane society thrift shop.
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Not only do I have a quick and easy put my feet up on the ottoman kind of project, but I’ll have a thrift shop project for today! Thrift shop project Twine!
Twine bottle
Our thrift shop has a craft and a tool area I never miss checking out. I can usually find a cool rubber stamp for 10¢ or a great rusty tool for a couple of bucks. Several weeks ago I grabbed a ball of twine. It was a bit stiffer twine than I usually use for projects but it was only 25¢!
Now I have a project in mind.
I made a loop a bit smaller than the top of a wine bottle and tied a knot. Then pushed the pulled the loop over the top of the wine bottle.
From there I sat back in my comfy chair with my feet on my ottoman and wrapped the bottle.
At the bottom of the bottle, I did have to get up outta my comfy chair and hot glue the twine for about the last 1/2 inch where the bottle is narrower. This is my favorite hot glue gun.
This morning I also wrapped a couple of wine corks.
If you don’t have twine around the house or at your Humane Society thrift style;) I’ve bought this twine from Amazon.
The event turned out great!
This sweet little guy named Gizmo was adopted at the event!
Here are a few more twine projects you might like.
P.S. Can you think of other items you could wrap in twine?
Are you planning some feet up time this weekend?
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Covering the corks too is a great touch! I can’t wait to see the pics from the event – and that little guy is adorable! Congratulations on you newest little family member <3
Hi Andi, just to be clear I’m not Gizmo’s new mom. We have enough on our hands with Homer and Bella. Homer is a wonderful almost 10 years old and Bella is about all the small dog he can handle in his golden years. I do know Gizmo’s new mom and they will make a sweet family. I’m stopping by the Humane Society today and hope to get pictures. Hugs ~Jeanette
Oh I’m so glad Gizmo was adopted!
Your twine wrapped bottles are a great idea. Believe it or not, I think I remember my mom doing that in about 1970 something. Things always come around again….well, good things. 🙂
Stacey, While wrapping the wine bottle it did remind me of macrame from the 70’s. I remember getting a library book on macrame to learn the knots. Wonder when that will come back again? Those rope covered Pottery Barn jugs are very close. Thanks for reading! ~Jeanette