The adventurer


Homer-escapes | Country Design Style |

The Adventurer

The adventurer, Homer.  A personal story.

It’s with smiles and tears as I share the story of our adventurous German Shepherd.

Homer came into our life and left us during times of heartache.  Thankfully, he was a strong, determined and hardheaded sole.

Homer-the-puppy | Country Design Style |

Homer arrived when we lived in Scottsdale, AZ.  We had just lost our Norman, a German Shepherd to cancer at the age of six.  I didn’t know dogs got cancer.  Norman was my first dog ever and I was devastated.  Thinking another dog would help, in walked Homer.

Homer-the-eater | Country Design Style |

Homer was a handful!!!!!  Yes, I do believe he would have eaten every piece if I didn’t pull him back.  I thought German Shepherds would be similar.  Norman listened.  Homer didn’t.  Norman was calm.  Homer was everywhere.

Homer-the broken toe | Country Design Style |

Yep, Homer had a $700 broken toe.  You can read more about his misadventures by clicking here.

We should have realized at this point Homer would be an expensive family member!!

We joked about calling Homer, volks.  We could have had a couple of new top of the line Volkswagons covering his adventurous medical bills.

Homer at the party | Country Design Style |

Having Homer in our lives was an adventure I’m glad we didn’t miss.  He let me dress him for parties.

Homer-the-adventurer | Country Design Style |

He made our house a home.


He was a perfect brother to little Bella.  He licked my tears away when we suddenly lost our sweet Bella just 6 months ago.


Homer, the grand adventure quietly slips away.

I miss you, Homer.

Rest in Peace, Homer October 24, 2004 – August 10, 2016


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  1. Jeanette, I am so sorry to hear about the the passing of both your dogs. I was wondering why Bella wasn’t on periscope with you anymore and now homer. They were so lucky to have a great mom like you and you were even ready to fight a coyote for your dear sweet Homer. It’s got to be comforting in someways to know they are together and Bella can still look after Homer and continue her training. It’s amazing how time really does heal all pain but we never forget the great times we had with them. Sincerely, Susan

    1. Thank you, Susan, for your sweet comments. This has been a tough year. I can’t believe still that they are gone. I still look for Bella and at times I think I see her out of the corner of my eye. Every Periscope I take a “Bella” deep breath and trust she’s watching. I miss the mornings with Homer on the porch, but glad he’s no longer in pain. I love it when I see you name on Periscope. I know I have a friend. Take care, Jeanette

  2. Andi Cacciatore says:

    Oh Jeanette, I’m so sorry you’ve lost your big adventurous boy. I’m sure he’s running on the best adventure of all now. So glad I got to know him through your loving tribute.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Homer was an adventurer! It feels good to read all the wonderful heartfelt comments. Thank you for your friendship. XOXO

  3. linda kelley says:

    I am truly, deeply sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a child…even if they have 4 legs. I wish they lived as long as us! It is too hard to say goodbye.

  4. Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain. We lost our Great Dane at 9, I still miss her every day. Both of yours in such a short time – so hard. We lost our 15 yo Siamese about 10 mos prior to Cyndar. I have so many waiting for me up there, Mom and Dad are caring for them now. So hard, even when it comes time to rescue another, there’s still part of your heart missing. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours ♥♥♥♥

    1. Thank you, Deb, for your sweet words. Reading your comment helps me realize the love is still here. Love to you.

  5. So sad with you. Best family members and friends always in our hearts.

    1. Thank you for reading along about Homer. For eleven years the only picture on our mantel was one of Norman. Now suddenly there’s three!

  6. Marijean Jenson says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Both dogs in such a short time. My heart breaks for you. He was sure a beautiful dog. I bet he had an awesome life. Hugs to you !

    1. Marijean, Thank you for reading about Homer. Mike and I can’t believe we lost them both in the last 6 months. Hugs…back to you.

  7. It’s so very hard to lose them isn’t it…I lost the last of my five precious ones (all rescues) this February. Now I just say I have spirit dogs and I bet Homer, Norman and Bella are playing with Abby, Bo, Blu, Gypsy and Jackson right this very minute at the Rainbow Bridge.

    1. Oh, Linda, I know they are all playing together. I love the idea of spirit dogs. That’s beautiful and brought happy tears! Thank you.

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about Homer. It is so hard to lose a part of the family. I have put 3 down so far and have another that is getting close. May you find another to bring happiness into your life.

  9. Homer was absolutely gorgeous, Jeanette. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love.

    1. Thank you, Tonya. Homer and Bella are together playing and loving each other. Bella is sitting on Homer’s head and Homer starts trying to sniff her ears. Hugs.

  10. Cindy Vines says:

    I am sorry you lost your baby. It hurts. We make them a family member. I am glad he had a great life, full of adventures and love. Totally understand.

  11. Rhonda Skinner says:

    So sorry for your loss Jeanette! We just lost our sweet baby Chloe after 15 years on August 20th, so I definitely share your pain.

    Thinking of you,

  12. I have a 130lb. German Shepard and lab mix.. More shepard than lab I think.. Hyper also. Love him to death though.. So sorry for your lose.

  13. Donna Grier says:

    I am so sorry to hear of Homer’s passing. They are such a treasure and it is such a loss to see them go. I truly enjoyed Homer he always made me feel welcomed in your home.

    Well he should have liked me on our first meeting I held his balls. haha he had a owie it was the least I could do he seem to enjoy it…

    But seriously I know your pain and it is a indescribable loss. You are in my heart and my prayers, go run in the wind Homer…….

    1. Thank you, Donna, I needed a laugh. That was the first sign of cancer in his blood. I love the picture of Homer running under the fence to go play in the snow. I remembered that day. My heart was torn because I was worried about just how far he would run but overjoyed at how strong and happy he was. He loved snow. Even in his later years when he could see or hear well.

      I treasure your friendship. Hugs.

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