DIY thrift store books painted and stamped

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What thrifty item do you collect?  These items weren’t useful. They became a collection because I had others.  Today my DIY thrift store books made from wood have a purpose.

What’s strange is I found the 8 wooden books in three different thrift stores in three different states.  Are they a regular thrift store item?

And who makes them?  There’s a ton of work to make them.  Routers and jigs and clamps oh my!

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wood books before

This is my collection of eight wood books.  I enjoy woodworking but never had a desire to make wood books.


paint pyramids to hold books

After several years of them in a box, today they are getting refreshed.  First a couple coats of white linen Rustoleum chalk-based paint.

Love the paint and adore the price!!!

I ordered these paint pyramids from Amazon and I’m wondering how I ever painted without them!

After the paint dried, I chose to not sand.  The paint was thick and left brush strokes.  I wanted a bit of texture on the book “covers.”

Next, the DIY thrift store books got stamped and in some place image transferred! 🙂


vintage book printable

Printable for image transfers

Above are printables for image transfers.  Read here to learn more about image transfers.

Then grab your printable here.

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little red hen rubber stamp

Or you can use rubber stamps.  I have a limited collection of rubber stamps.  Most are the alphabet.  Mike says “You’re always trying to recreate the alphabet!”

I made the little red hen stamp over 20 years ago.

Tied up

little red hen stamped book

And, still works fine!  Made with a piece of form, an exacto knife, and craft glue. Oh, and a scrap piece of wood.

Thrift store wood books updated

Can you hear the books say, “ahhh?”  Finally, they are outta the box.

vintage style wood books

OH, you will see these little books in displays on future posts.

old book painted and stamped

And if I was lucky to find little wooden books in 3 thrift store in 3 states…you can do the same on any thrift store hard covered book.  Plus they make great gifts.  How do I know?  This black book was a gift to me from a dear friend…and I love it!

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