When you don’t have time for the whole flag…

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Wood American Flag


It’s 4th of July weekend…

and we have been busy.

Mike has been getting the outside spruced up and I trying to not totally destroy the inside.  It’s getting hot here in Arizona and we want to get the house in shape before it turns muggy with monsoons.

It’s 4th of July weekend…

and my July 4th decor is nonexistent.

When you don’t have time for the whole flag…

this is what I do.

Wood American Flag


I’m joining other creative DIY bloggers on a HUGE Red, White, and Blue DIY Celebration.

The workshop is closed up and the only board I had within hands reach…

was too long for a flag.


It could have been a long flag, but I wanted to do something different.  So I made a piece of a flag.  The best part…

it took less than 15 minutes.


Blue is not my color.  So I grab a bluish-gray leftover from our 15 shades of white house painting.

Dry brushing

I dry brushed the paint.  The brush is dipped into the paint and then most of the paint was tapped off the brush, making a “dry” brush.  No measuring.  The width of the paintbrush is the width of my stripes.


The red paint…BRIGHT RED.  I toned it down with a small amount of brown.


I found a simple star to print out online.  After cutting out the star I used chalk to outline.  Then dry brushed the star.

Almost a whole wood American flag. When you don't have time to cut the board. Country Design Style

I aged the wood.  I used the tea and “ironed” vinegar technique to age the wood.  Then displayed my wood American flag with the only other July 4th decor I have.  The Paul Revere nutcracker looks cute but doesn’t work at cracking nuts.

When you don't have time for the whole flag..make a piece of the flag. Rustic wood flag. Country Design Style

The workshop has closed for the weekend!  I’ll not destroy anything until after the 4th.

Inspire for your July 4th and click around below.

Remember to watch your four-legged family members over the busy and loud 4th.

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  1. Jeanette,

    Love how simple you’ve made this look. Living in Pa., my wife enjoys Amish and country decor. I have scrap wood in the basement from a door frame from 1963, the year the house was built, so your inspiration above gives me good ideas. Thank you very much for sharing.


  2. joejaramani says:

    Hi fellows. I think you need to take some time and take a fast tour on woodprix website to learn how to make it.

  3. I really like this rustic take on the flag. And, it’s so easy – I’ve got to search for that little piece of wood my husband hid in the storage building! I’ve got the paint, and I’ve got the time.

    1. Barbara, I hope you find the piece of wood for a rustic flag! I’m keeping mine around for all the red, white and blue holidays! Thanks for stopping by! ~Jeanette

  4. Jeanette,

    I love this america flag. I love how we can make the flag into so many different ways and it looks great. Great piece!

    1. Thanks Vanessa! I have to admit, I was a bit nervous about only making a piece of the flag. But I’m loving all the creative versions of flags! Jeanette

    1. Thank you Christy, I’m missing my saws and workshop. But it’s nice to have things clean up for guests over the weekend. Jeanette

  5. I really love this. Just a really neat and easy project to do. I have a piece of wood that I now know just what I am going to do with it. Thank you.

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