Preserved & Rubbered?

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How many ways can you preserve hydrangeas?  Have you tried preserving hydrangeas using rubber?  I did and here are my results.preserved-and-rubbered-country-design-style-fp

This past weekend I had a glorious opportunity to join some of my favorite blogger friends on a procrastinators summer porch tour.

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I bought hydrangeas from our local grocery store and turned a candle chandelier into a floral chandelier.   They looked stunning all weekend and even into Monday.  I use my best tip for keeping hydrangeas from wilting too quickly…and it worked!  They even hung around outside!

Then…I rubberized them!!!

Keeping Hydrangeas Fresh Longer

Oh, my tip for keeping hydrangeas from wilting too soon…alum.  It’s a spice that has something to do with canning pickles???  It also helps the stems of these beautiful flowers soak up water.  Here’s what I do.  Cut the stem and place in warm water.  The warm water removes a film that covers the cut.  Then dip into alum to about 1/2 inch.  Since I’m not planning to can pickles anytime soon, I dipped the stem right into the little spice jar.  Then add the stem to a vase of water.  The spice will come off the stem into the water, but that’s okay the alum has already “set” the stem to receive water.


My floral chanty!  You can see more of the porch here.

Yep, I sprayed wildflowers with rubber spray paint. No more making a mess on the mantel and a year later they are still around. DIY easy project in farmhouse style. country design style

Now on to preserving hydrangeas.  When I dry hydrangea I place them in a vase in our coat closet.  Today I wanted to try rubber spray.  Above is a small bunch of wildflowers I rubber sprayed for my Autumn mantel back in 2013!  Before spraying the wildflowers made a mess on the mantel.  Now they don’t.  Even in 2015!

The rubber spray is the stuff on the commercial that you use if you have a screen door for the bottom of your boat! :/  There are now several brands and colors.  I can only find black or white in our small town.

Black might be too much for flowers! 

My warning about ordering online

I’m not mentioning the brand.  I do NOW only use the brand at Home Depot and NOT the brand advertised on TV.  I tried to order brown rubber spray from the highly advertised on TV brand.  They charged my credit card BEFORE clicking order!  When I saw the price and EXTRA charges I hit the back button.  They charged my card anyway, send the product.  They charge 14.99 for the product + shipping + handling + shipping for a “free” product {I didn’t want} + shipping +handling for the “free” product I didn’t want.  Plus + 4.99 for insurance on the shipping.  When all the charges were added my card was charged for $88.74!!  For a 14.99 product!  It took 2 months to settle the charges and they refunded my $54.63!!!!  BEWARE!

This is the brand I get from Amazon now.

Here’s a vintage outdoor sign I made using the product.

Tips for preserving hydrangeas with rubber spray

I did learn a couple of things about trying this with hydrangea vs. wildflowers.  They look better and held up better when I sprayed them with white primer first.  Then when dry.  Sprayed with the rubber stuff.

Preserving Hydrangeas using spray paints. Use like hairspray in the 60's! Trying several ideas this was my favorite. Country Design Style

The rubber spray is thick and gloppy.  It sorta caked onto the soft thin petals.  Spraying lightly with a primer then spraying lightly with the rubber spray was the best result…IMO.  I used a skewer to move the petals around while spraying like they did in the 60’s with hairspray.  Spritz and move, spritz and move.

Did you see the movie “Hairspray?”


This might also be cool with a light spray of soft green, blue or pink.

So I preserved hydrangeas using spray paint and the rubber spray stuff. Easy and creative diy to hang onto those beauties a little longer. Plus no mess from dried hydrangea. Country Design Style

Here are my preserved hydrangeas in my favorite Ballard Designs purchase.  These little birds always make me smile.  🙂

Preserved hydrangeas using spray paint. Easy and different. Country Design Style

Here I gathered them in a little vase next to rusty stuff.  Why does such a stunning flower look so great with rusty stuff??

Let me know your results if you try this one.

Beware…the neighbors will think you’ve lost it.

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  1. I just found your post. I’m so excited to try paint and rubberized product. Your designs are beautiful. I’m hoping I can come up with something 1/2 as good as your………. 🤞

    1. Hi Melody, You are so sweet. Thank you for reading along. I know you can come up with something wonderful and amazing.

  2. Andi Cacciatore says:

    Genius! They came out really nice. Have you tried spraying just a hint of another color of spray paint over the rubberized paint? Wondering if it would cause a bad reaction, or maybe not even stick to the rubber paint! I love your birdie dish as well 🙂
    Thanks for sharing your idea!

  3. chris aka monkey says:

    if my tiny 2 yr old endless summers give me any flowers this year i want to try this, they died to the ground and are about 12″ tall now wish i knew what i was doing wrong xx

  4. Barb Palmer says:

    How clever of you. Since I ADORE hydrangeas, I am running right out to get some and try it. Other tries have just not cut it. Thanks for the tip!

  5. WOW. Great idea. I dry my hydrangeas too, but are messy if you even get close to them. Love it!

    1. Susie, I adore hydrangeas and want to keep them around as long as possible. I tossed some dried flowers a couple of weeks ago. They were such a mess it was hard to tell that kind of flower they were! If you try this, let me know your results. ~Jeanette

    1. Whew! Jen, I wasn’t sure if it would work on hydrangeas, but I would share the results even if it didn’t work. 😀 ~Jeanette

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