DIY Fall Decor


poverty-to-diy-passion-country-design-style-featureDIY Fall Décor

A quick story

I am extremely grateful for my childhood. My family didn’t have much during my younger years, but I had a rich childhood.

As a single young mother, I thrived on making beautiful rooms in our simple homes. A jigsaw and basic sewing machine were my tools. Turning yard sale and thrift shop finds into loved treasures.

Through time I worked hard and earned more money. My passion for DIY projects remained and actually grew over the years. So did my collection of tools!  There are three DIY behaviors that I developed during those lean years:

If you want it, make it.
Think outside of the box.
Use all the pieces.

I made an awesome tray!


This seemingly random collection of items is an example of where my DIY behaviors really shine. You may see a pile of junk, but I see the potential. I would rather make a stunning framed tray to serve drinks on than buy a tray.

1- By simply removing artwork from a picture frame, you have the exterior of the tray.

2- Glue some simple beadboard into the picture frame, and you now have the base of your tray!

3- To create small feet for this tray, you can cut spindles (like what you find on a stair banister). I cut the spindle into small 1 1/2 inches.

Spindle feet


Cutting with a miter saw.


Are they not the cutest feet!

My DIY friend gave me chairs that had been ruined by water. We got together with a couple of mallets and had a blast!

I’m using up the spindles one inch at a time!


Step 4- I took my thrift shop picture frame, bead board, and (spindle) feet and clamped them together while I let the glue dry. I always say, “broken pieces mend stronger.”

I didn’t want to stop there!  Thinking outside of the box, I came up with the coolest carafes to set on the tray!  I wanted a couple of those carafes with the glass that turns upside down over top. They are really expensive.

Instead of ordering a sterling silver carafe from a designer catalog, I got the idea of using mason jars.


I used a regular quart size mason jar for the carafe and a large mouth pint jar that fits perfectly over the top for the glass.

Remember the artwork I removed from the frame to create the tray?

With a bit of hot glue and a strip of burlap, it covered up that stapled edge of the artwork. I like the frilly edge the burlap gives the frame.


I told you guys I always use all the pieces!

Now I have a fall-inspired corner of the house, made from DIY projects. If you enjoy unique art, the wall art section at Shutterfly is fun.


I’m more proud of the things I’ve made than the things I’ve bought.

The poverty of my younger years fuels my DIY passion even today.

When you’re passionate about DIY it follows throughout your life.

What do you like to DIY?


My Little Disclaimer:  This is my opinion and enjoys getting inspiration at Shutterfly.

To see more old spindle ideas click the photos or titles below.

spindle-ladder-country-design-style-sqSpindle Ladder

rustic-arrow-sweater-pillow-country-design-style-sqRustic Arrow Sweater Pillow

spindle-country-design-style-sqAnd this one you will not believe…just hope you like it!!

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  1. chris aka monkey says:

    i too had a poor childhood, i was so happy at age 12 that i got tall because i didn’t have to wear my older sisters hand me downs any more and got to go yard saling and thrifting to find me “new” clothes,our house motto was waste not want not lol looking around my bedroom the only thing that was bought new is my pc and we got that on clearance at wally world years i guess that is why i love blogs like yours…and i love the tray especially the feet xx

  2. Andi Cacciatore says:

    Jeanette, being poor and a single mom started me on my way to creating DIY gifts for the neighborhood kids! I love that you shared this project and how you learned how to make do and made it great!

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