Rustic Arrow Sweater Pillow
Do you love Pinterest?
It’s a great place to find inspiration. Anytime I have something happening, Pinterest is the first place I look to find ideas.
Super bowl food ideas…done! Centerpieces for a volunteer breakfast…done! Drinks for the girls on Saturday…done!
A totally “decorative no napping rustic arrow sweater pillow”…done!
What inspires you on Pinterest?
Today I’m joining blogging friends for a Rock Your Knock Off Tour inspired by Pinterest.
Rustic Arrow Sweater Pillow
You can click on the images on the bottom of this post to visit each of the creative knock offs.
Are you following me on Pinterest? I share and pin loads of DIY! You can follow me on Pinterest here if you’re not already. 🙂
I found this fun and funky heart-shaped sweater pillow on Pinterest. I clicked to check out who made it!! When pinning, I always visit the website and pin from there. If I don’t there’s too much I miss out on. Like finding a new blogger to follow!
Jen, who is one of the creative sisters that blog at eighteen25, made this sweater pillow. I wanted to make one for that romantic holiday coming in a few weeks! I followed the easy steps Jen shared on the post so pop on over for the steps. Plus there are a couple more pillows to check out!!!
Now for my version
I found a white cable knit cotton sweater at our Humane Society resale store.
The one thing I did differently…
…stick a rustic arrow through the pillow!
Actually, I left two openings for stuffing. Then when hand sewing, I left two small holes to add the rustic arrow.
Actually, I left two openings for stuffing. Then when hand sewing, I left two small holes to add the rustic arrow.
The arrow I made from a round spindle from an old chair and scraps of trim and broken pieces. I cut the spindle in half. One spindle became the arrow and the other the feathers?? Is it called feathers on the tail end of an arrow??
Anyway, pieces I glued with wood glue and nailed into place.
Then I stuck the tip onto one small opening and the tail “feathers” into the other.
Now for a commercial break to check out more ideas for spindles…
Spindle Ladder, DIY Fall Decor, and unique DIY for an Old Spindle!
Time to take pictures of the “decorative no napping rustic arrow sweater pillow” I gathered a few more heart pillows and a small heart chalkboard. The large fringed pillow in the back was made by my niece when she was about nine.
I love it!
Plus it’s more comfortable for napping! 🙂
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This is too adorable! What a good idea and for anyone who is in the warm south and has extra sweaters! The arrow stick is too darling:)
Thank you Wendi. The arrow had me laughing! Jeanette
You are so clever to think of adding the rustic arrow to your heart pillow. What a cute idea for Valentine’s Day decor. Love it!
Paula, it’s great decor but not for napping! Jeanette
What a clever idea! You have inspired me. Jo
Thank you so very much Joanne! Inspiring others is the main reason I do this weird stuff! Jeanette
Jeanette this is adorable, you did such a great job!
Dria, thank you for putting together such a fun tour! Jeanette
awww so cute and the arrow is insane love it xx
I was laughing while making the arrow!
The pillow is lovely. I love the arrow you added as well. Perfect!
Thank you Vanessa!