Chalkboard, Tails and Hand Rubbed Finish

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Handmade Finish | Country Design Style |

Country Design Keeping

I see it now.  We’re watching a quirky mystery movie.  The hero is tied to a farmhouse chair with chippy paint. {okay, the chair with chippy paint it how I envision chairs}  There’s a strip of tape across the hero’s mouth.  On the tape, written in chalk, is quiet!

Yep, chalkboard TAPE!

No painting!

Just tape, or mark, or cover with a new group of chalkboard products.

This post is a collection of musings and mishaps around our house lately.


Chalkboard, Tails and Hand Rubbed Finish

Disclosure:  This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small portion of any sales at no additional cost to you.  I only share products I like, used and have ordered, OR products I want.


Chalkboard everywhere | Country Design Style |

As many knows, we live in a small town.  When something new comes to town…it’s exciting!!!

They broke ground on Dunkin Donuts last week!

Our local Walmart now carries new products for making chalkboards.  Chalkboard markers instead of using a paintbrush. Chalkboard tape for…quieting your hostage???  For those of you in big cities, this might not be new to you. But for me to walk into a store and see something new is big!!  I actually get “retail overload” went we take a trip to the valley.

Handmade finish

Handmade Finish | Country Design Style |

Okay, I found a better use for chalkboard tape.  Labels.  Labels for my homemade hand rubbed finish.  I used this finish on the box above and on my farmhouse picture.

Here’s the recipe:  1 part matte oil-based finish {that you would apply with a brush and 1 part mineral spirits.  Mix together well.  This does separate so mixing a couple of times while applying is important.  I use a large flour sack type towel to rub on.  I dip a corner of the towel in the finish and rub onto a section.  Then rub into the fibers with a dry part of the towel.  Do wear gloves.  That’s all there is to it.

Vintage style lighting

Vintage Organ Part Lamp | Country Design Style |

Just for fun and interest {I hope it’s interesting to you}, I thought I would figure out each month’s most popular post.  January’s popular post was the Vintage Inspired Lamp.  Mike agrees! 🙂

It's been cold and windy here | Country Design Style |

Thought I’d share this photo!  It’s been cold and windy here.


Homer | Country Design Style |

I have a funny, sad and sweet story that I shared on FB last week.  Homer is our handsome eleven-year-old German Shepherd.  As he’s gotten older his hind end is lower causing his tail to hang down on the floor.

I’m having the same trouble but that for another time. 🙁

Anyway.  Homer was standing by the door crying.  I went over to see what the issue was since he wasn’t moving to come to me.  Everything seemed fine until I noticed he was standing on his own tail with his back foot!

A couple of printables

If you love free printables, check out Broken Pieces Mend Stronger and the Be Kind Printable

That’s our chalkboard, tails and hand rubbed finish week.

Please take a moment and let me know what’s been happening around your house in comments below.

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  1. Sounds like Homer may need a vet check up. This may be what is commonly known as limber tail, but because of the age of your Shepherd and the possibility of hip and spine problems, it may be something else. If it’s impacted glands, that’s easy to correct. In any event, a drooping tail is a sign that something is causing him discomfort. A dog unable to move off his own tail is troublesome. Good luck to Homer, and I enjoy you sharing your projects.

    1. Marilyn thank you for check up on Homer. The vet actually had a house call on Saturday. Yes, Homer gets house calls. All his results came back great except for an ear infection and refills for his arthritis. Which is part of his tail hanging lower. His legs, hips and back have arthritis. He will be 12 years old in October which is amazing with all he’s been through. You can read more of his adventures here.

      Thank you for reading along with all our adventures. Hugs.

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