Stumped on which home project to do first?

girl thinking

How to get home projects done

Nagging things that you can’t nail down

messy studio

To figure out those things that nag at you, make a list of your nags.

  • The coffee table doesn’t look right.
  • The laundry soap isn’t in a convenient place.
  • I don’t like that empty corner

Now take a few minutes and do a search on each of your nags on Pinterest. Gather ideas to fix the nags. Then pick the one idea that works for your home and budget.

I’m so overwhelmed and don’t know which project to start first. So, I don’t start any.

Text on buffalo check

Tip for deciding which home project is perfect to do first

Answer yes or no to each project on your list.

  • Will the project help you daily?
  • Do you know how to do the project?
  • Do you have all the materials needed for the project? If not, does the cost fit in your current budget?
  • Does the project excite you?

Ask these questions for each project. Then start with the project with the most final “YES” answers.

paint brush and can creativity and confidence to get home projects done

Creativity and confidence are like a snowball rolling down a hill. It picks up speed and grows as it picks up more snow.

Now you have your most important project to get done.

Tips to stay inspired to complete your project

plan the time to finish your project and then double the time.

Schedule the time for the project

Decide before you start how much time the project will take. Now, double it! Yep, if you think it will take 2 hours, set aside 4 hours to get it done. I’ve never finished in the amount of time I think it will take, ever! Okay, maybe that one time. Plus, think about it, if you finish in 3 hours, you have a whole hour unplanned. You can watch an extra episode of “The Queen” on Nexflix.
Now add the time to your schedule.
Share your plans with others.
Treat yourself when you finish.

Push through the ugly

Remember, most projects look terrible, in fact, downright ugly at the halfway point. If you’ve ever painted a thrift store dresser, that first coat of paint is awful. Accept the ugly, and keep plugging away, and you will find the beauty. This farmhouse tray was all kinds of ugly and I added cut marks!

Alexa, play Wild Cherry!

Add your favorite tunes to your craft room or workshop. It’s surprising how much paint you can put down during a rocking tune of A song. I get more done with music, so turn it up and play that funky music.

Don’t let the hungry pains stop you.

I don’t eat when creating. Dipping crackers in wood glue just doesn’t taste good. But that doesn’t mean your glue won’t go perfect with your favorite snack. If snacking helps get the job done, go ahead and grab your ideal bite to munch while painting all those chairs.

Barter projects with a friend

Offer to help a friend paint a room if they help you make curtains. Crafting is social. Another idea is to start a creative circle. Gather with friends and get your home projects completed together.

Television help

If you can’t find a friend to help, tune into your fav HGTV show while you’re sewing those pillows.

If all this fails

After you’ve tried these things chalk it up to it’s just not your day to be creative. It happens, but don’t give up completely. Give up on the day. Relax and tune into Netflix. Tomorrow is another creative day.

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