You just need a sign to point the way!
This could be a busy sign! 😀
How in the world is this one little sign going to keep me on track.
It won’t…
but it was fun to make!
Bonus…I g0t to reuse pieces of other projects, and you know I like to reuse and not toss.
The first piece is a board.
A board with many layers of paint came from a cabinet made to hold our TV. Now that TVs sit on mantels or hang on walls, the need for a large cabinet…not necessary!
I’ve cut up the wood for other projects.
Now the layers of paint…
got more layers of paint.
There was not a special technique done on this board. No step 1, 2 or 3. Just brushing on paint here and there until it looked…
well until I was bored painting. :/
The arrow
The other piece of the sign is the arrow stuck through the heart pillow. The arrow is cut in half and stuck in small openings.
Without the arrow the pillow is comfy.
Back to that board. On one end were a couple of countersink holes for the screws used to hold the cabinet together.
I glued on a couple of wood caps. Little buttons! I like the look.
The transfer
I have a silhouette to make stencils. The silhouette connects to the computer just like a printer. Then design the lettering and the silhouette uses an itty~bitty blade instead of ink. Printing on card stock gives a stiff one time use stencil.
I’m not a good stenciller!
The area I should work on since I make several signs. :/
I sprayed the back of the card stock stencil with temporary glue. Then, used a flat small brush with a dab of paint to add lettering.
This sign needs to point the way to…
actually, sit on the mantel and look rustic and cool!
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Why, because I made a frameable printable free download arrow sign for you! It fits in a thrift store 8 by 10 frame…
okay, any 8 by 10 frame will do.
Notice I reused the arrow again!
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What direction will your arrow sign point to?
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love your arrows and what a fantastic video xx
Thank you so much Chris for watching the video. My heart swells up when I think about all the greatness that happens at that little Humane Society! Hugs! Jeanette