Metal Tray Chalkboard

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Anyone who follows knows I’m on a personal quest to turn everyone into a diyer!

Yep, everyone!

I’m taking it step by step to help dig down and find the DIY in you!

The last Saturday in March, I even hosted a live “Find the DIY in You” event at our local thrift store.  Gathering common items found in thrift stores I repurposed them…

then raffled them away.  All for our local little Humane Society!

Click here to read my tips for a metal tray…and more!


One common item in thrift stores are these metal trays.  They are anywhere from 50¢ to $2.  I’ve been seeing this trays painted with chalkboard paint and wanted to give a metal tray chalkboard a try.

I’ve actually never attempted this!

Hummm, how do I tape around all the curves??  I know!  Our local home improvement store will have flexy painters tape.

“Where’s the filexy painters tape?”  Well they looked at me like I had 3 heads!!

So, I checked online.  Ha!  I don’t have 3 heads…but wow, flexy tape is expensive!

There has to be a better way!


So, I use the regular painters tape I had in my paint cabinet and a exacto knife.  As you could imagine, I was busier than a one armed….getting ready for my DIY event.

I didn’t think I would have time to struggle with masking all around those curves.


But…surprise!  It took less than 15 minutes!

Here’s a quick video to share my tip using an excato knife.

Okay, here’s my tip…if you don’t want to watch the video…I used the other end of the knife to first press the tape into the crevice of the tray.  Then it’s easier to follow the curve around with the knife.

Notice the tray in the video is different that this tray.  I did the video yesterday on another tray.  I’ll picture it with a display on our mantel during the create and chat online in May.  More about that below.

 Voila!  Easy peesy.

Click here to read more about chalkboard and prepping the surface before using.


By the way, the tray is metal.  So, while you’re at the thrift store pick up a pair of earrings.  Remove the stem {just wiggle back and forth} add a dollop of hot glue and a magnet.

How to mask a thrift store metal tray for spraying with chalkboard paint. {or how I do it!}  Plus more thrifty tips.  Country Design Style

This makes a creative gift too!  Add a thrift store glass vase sprayed with chalkboard paint and flowers!

Notice I taped the vase just under the rolled rim along the top of the vase.  I like the look of glass at the top.


To keep the spray paint outta the vase, just stick inside a plastic store vase and tape along the top edge.

Make sure to tape any holes in the plastic bag…because they ALL have holes! 


The “Find the DIY in You” event was a blast!  Wish I could have gather you in the car and brought you along.  But instead I will be sharing the other common thrift store repurposes over the next few days here on the website.

Of course, subscribers join me each month for LIVE online “find the DIY in you” create and chat events.  If you wish to read more about the events online click here.

Subscribers, remember to check the bottom of your email to register for the free monthly events.  Coming in April is “Two tone painting”  with lots of distressing tips!!!

See you online!

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  1. Lorraine Castellon-Rowe says:

    What an excellent tip!! Thank you very much!! The only thing I’m having a problem with is, the magnets aren’t working on my tray. Ugh! I’ll keep searching for those magnetic trays!!
    Thanks again!!!❣️❣️❣️

    1. Lorraine, I’ve found metal trays that a magnet doesn’t stick to as well. I suggest sticking a magnet in your purse and check which ones stick before buying it.

  2. So cute! I actually did one like this on a plastic tray from the Dollar store! You can’t tell it isn’t “real” unless you get right up to it!

    And I love the stand it is in too! Did you make it? If so, maybe you could share how?

    1. Laura, Wow! I never though about using a plastic tray. Cool. Yes I did make the stand years ago. I made a “special” frame for a picture of Mike and I and made the stand to go with the frame. The picture now is in a photo album, the frame was sold and the stand was raffled off with the tray! I will do a post on making the stand. I’m not a fan of those plate stands on most stores. I make one this weekend and share next week. Thank you for reading along! Jeanette

    1. Thank you Susan. I forgot to mention the stand. I made it about 15 years ago. Need to make another one since I raffle it with the tray. 😀 Jeanette

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