Household Tips Series 2
If you’re new here you might be wondering what’s with the days and why are they not in order!!!
Let me explain, in January I did a Facebook series with a post each day for 30 days on general household tips. Now each Friday for 6 weeks I though I would reshare five of those tips here on the website…in no special order! Last Friday was Household tips series 1. Today it’s Household tips series 2.
Buy spray bottles. They simply work better than the bottle your cleaners come in. When it’s available buy cleaners in bulk and add to your bottles. Do label every bottle well. I use address labels and a permanent marker and then cover the label with clear packing tape. This keeps it clean and adheres better. I even cut some cleaners with a bit of water. They still clean and disinfect and also last longer. Important because buying household cleaning supplies is boring!
I still use starch! I do buy liquid starch and add a drop or two of lavender oil. Perfect for pillowcases too!
A small bowl of white vinegar will take most odors outta the air.
Now how you get the smell of the vinegar out…
I don’t have a clue!
Actually I pour the vinegar down the drain and usually the smell is gone quickly.
We have one of those lazy susan cabinet in the bottom corner of our kitchen that is a black hole. I would put things in and never find hem again. Have you ever spun a lazy susan around so fast things go flying? Well I finally hung a battery closet light inside. And I found all those things that fell off back behind the lazy susan!
Buy only one of quality. I have one good tweezer. Is it a pair of tweezers?? Anyway I have only one. I keep it in the same place and can always find it. Years ago I had several and could never find any of them.
Can’t find much else around here, but I know exactly where my tweezers are.
You can follow Country Design Style on Facebook here, why because I do 30 days of________ on Facebook every once in a while and it’s simple and informative, and inexpensive!
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