Simple Ring Wreaths made easy
It’s hard to be sad when you are creating something. If you make simple ring wreaths in minutes, your joy will outlast the time spent creating.

If you have little time to create a whole wreath, well, this is the answer! We’re gonna create three wreaths in minutes.
Remember that delicious the dessert you made with only a few ingredients? That’s this wreath project. Quick, few ingredients, and yummy!
Supplies for ring wreath

I found this ring wreath in Walmart, or you can grab these wreath rings on Amazon.
The leaves are “repurposed.” The eucalyptus leaves came from Amazon.
The twine is in mason jars in almost every room in our home. Do you keep your twine in mason jars?
The tools you need are wire cutters and scissors.
Did you know, I create easy DIY projects during live videos on Facebook? Yep, each morning, M – F at 9 am MST. Follow, like, share, and remember to check the get notified when I go live.
I did wrap the twine several times around the ring before tying for a rustic look. But, otherwise, that’s the whole project.
Hanging the wreaths to look amazing

I used small nails to hang the wreaths. They overlap each other. I suggest laying them in different ways on the table. When you get the layout that’s pleasing to your eye, snap a photo. Then when hammering and getting the wreaths up on the wall, you have a “map” to make them look stunning.

Now go treat yourself to a pb&j while browsing this easy wreath idea (the birds love it)
Well, the pb&j made me happy and so did the simple ring wreaths. It’s a good day.
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