Tea Light Candles Farmhouse Style [battery]

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Ideas hit at strange times and in strange ways. If that little shop didn’t place the tea light candles next to the felt, this idea would never have happened.

pack of battery candles

Living in the forest, we learned to love battery candles. But why do they have to look so ugly and plastic?

Let’s add some texture to the boring plastic of these tea light battery candles. 

I’m a casual gal. I’m okay not going to the nail salon, have never gone to a tanning salon, or worn extra long eyelashes that need filling in every couple of weeks. So I guess, I’ve been planning all along for this physical distancing going on now.

one battery candle

But I do fancy up battery candles!


  • Tea light battery candles
  • Piece of felt in your favorite color
  • Craft glue, glue dots, or glue tape
  • Scissors or a rotary cutter and mat [this is the rotary cutter I want next]
  • Twine
  • Sewing needle

This is a great television watching project. Gather your popcorn diet soda, and supplies on a tray to work on while watching HGTV. 

Cover the tea light candles

Cut strips of felt slightly taller than the candles. I added a wavy cut to the top edge to mimic the way a candle melts. 

wavy cuts and straight cuts

Add a strip of craft glue down the felt and wrapped around each candle. 

three strips of felt with rotaty cutter

For added detail and more farmhouse look, add a piece of twine and tie it in a knot. The video above shows the easy steps to add felt and twine.

I cut 12 inches of twine and then placed the area of the “back” of the candle in the middle. Bring each side of the twine to the front and twist. Then bring the ends to the back and tie a knot. Cut the excess twine.

felting with needle

Use a big sewing needle, insert it into the felt about an eighth of an inch, and pull some of the fibers out. This technique makes the felt fuzzier and adorable!

farmhouse candle lit

The softness of the felt and the soft lighting of the candle is a welcome cozy look. I like to line up several tea light candles down the center of the dining table. The style is a simple modern farmhouse.

candle in wine glass with shade

Or with a relaxing glass of wine. Stay tuned to see how easy it is turn a wine glass into a lamp.

In the meantime, check out this lighthouse with a tea light candle.

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One Comment

  1. Sandra K Lowery says:

    Love,love,love the light house. The candles will b so cozy for the winter holidays.

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