DIY Lighthouse made with a spindle
The spindle leg of your table finally breaks after months of several repairs. You give up and make a DIY lighthouse from the spindle.
The other table pieces…
that’s for another day.
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This is my second DIY lighthouse.
This lighthouse consists of a broken spindle,
a vintage telephone pole insulator, and a battery candle.
I glue the bottom of the spindle to a chunk of scrap wood using hot WOOD glue sticks. Then painted everything with Magnolia’s Shiplap paint. The same paint used for the craft room cabinets. {I forgot to take a photo of the gluing but you get the idea}
Next, I use an 80 grit sanding sponge to lightly go over the surface. This adds wind and water distress. Lighthouses become distressed from wind and water right?
I flipped on the battery candle and covered it with the insulator. Done!
I love that insulator! Clean lines and clear white.
The first DIY lighthouse from a spindle
The first was made years ago again from a broken spindle. It was back in the days when I sold my DIY home decor. I made a lighthouse from a broken spindle. Mike couldn’t quite figure out what it was supposed to be. He couldn’t see a lighthouse in that broken spindle.
Selling the DIY lighthouse
I took my lighthouse over to my space and proudly displayed it. I priced it at $20. Each week when I visited, I dusted the lighthouse and reworked the display. Then when I return home Mike would always ask, “Did the lighthouse sell?” No! we continued this for six weeks. Then one day I went to bring in more decor…and the lighthouse was gone. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell Mike.
My suspicions
As I was driving home, I started to suspect that Mike popped in and bought the lighthouse. He claims he didn’t, but I think someday I’m going to stumble across that lighthouse in an old box tucked away somewhere.
If I remember correctly, this lighthouse is simpler than the first one. I might have painted stripes on the first one.
Until I find it, I made another lighthouse.
I don’t think anyone would pay $20 for it, including Mike!
Got any ideas for a round table top?
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