Reader Survey, Help Me So I Can Help you!

Reader Survey | FP | Country Design Style |

I like to take surveys.

Grocery store surveys…yes I buy store brand cookies!

Yes, I have 5 minutes to answer what I like and don’t like about that TV show!

I like to vote for the best of rim country!  The best thrift shop, best hairdresser, best place for lunch, and best antique store!

This is my VERY FIRST time to ask for any type of survey.  So I hope you take a moment to share your thoughts.

Reader Survey

As a blogger there are times when I feel like I do all the talking.  Now I’m going to sit back and listen.

Help me so I can help you.

Reader DIY Survey | Pn | Country Design Style |


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Reader Survey | sq | Country Design Style |
Reader Survey | Country Design Style |

Thank you so very much for your help!  We can do this together!

The Reader Survey Results are in!  You can check them out here even though the survey is still up to add your thoughts.

If you have additional comments let me know below.

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  1. Your reader survey link wouldn’t load for me, just got a blank page… Not sure if it’s due to using a tablet, or if the link isn’t working properly.

    1. Lori, When you get a chance try it again. I just check on my phone to see if it would load and I did fine. I was holding my phone horizontal and it gave me a symbol to rotate to vertical. Then it loaded right up. Please let me know if you still have problems. And thank you for your interest. Jeanette

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