How to Make Wood Slice Tags

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How to Make Wood Slice Tags | Country Design Style |

How to Make Wood Slice Tags

I love to make cookies!

Melted drops of butter on the countertop.

The table covered with flour.

Stacks of yummy goodness.

This is not a recipe for cookies, but making wood slice tags is sorta like making cookies.

How to Make Wood Slice Tags

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The workbench gets covered in sawdust.

My work tray gets covered with drops of wood glue.

Making wood slice tags | Country Design Style |

This is stacks of goodness!!  If any bark comes off the slices just glue back on with wood glue.

An Idea to Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

Bella and I took a walk in the woods and lugged home a branch.  Part of the branch was covered with melted white crayons for snow.

Steps to make wood slices | Country Design Style |

The other part was cut into 3/8″ slices.  To make the slices I used my miter saw.  I added a small piece of painters tape 3/8″ from the saw blade.  Then I could easy move the log to the edge of the tape to get almost the same thickness.  I wasn’t picky about getting the exact same thickness.  It is nature!

Notice some of the wood slices have “crayon snow.”

Also notice the white in the top left of the picture…that’s real snow!  It was a cold day outside.  Brrrr!

Wood Slices | Country Design Style |

Yummy stacks of wood slices.  Wonder if I could make wood slice cookies…hum!  Might get back to you on that one. 🙂

Wood Slice tags | Country Design Style |

I drilled holes in the slices and added twine.  Here’s a few ideas to use the wood slice tags.

Making Wood Slice Napkin Rings | Country Design Style |

I made napkin rings from some of the slices using a Zig Marker Zig Memory System Calligraphy Dual Tip Marker, Pure Black and making a monogram.  I drilled two holes and added twine through both leaving enough twine in the back to insert a napkin.

Monogram Wood Slices | Country Design Style |

Love the look with our cabin plates, antler silverware and cream napkins.

Wood Slice Tags to Label | Country Design Style |

Some of the tags were added to my kitchen wall shelf with little wood crates.  The crates hold recipe cards.  U-Z pretty much only has zucchini recipes! 😀

The rope tree made the kitchen!


Wood Slice Tags for Labeling Crates | Country Design Style |

The shelf also holds a set of expresso cups and matches in little bottles.  Cut a strike piece from the match box and glue on the bottom of the bottle.  Makes a great hostess gift.

How to make wood slice napkin rings | Country Design Style |

The monograms were simple done by hand.  It seemed more natural to do by hand.


Get this look!


You could package bundles of wood slice tags to sell at craft fairs too!

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  1. Hi Kendra, thanks for stopping by! Since we live in a wood cabin and fires make me nervous I chose not to bake the wood slices. I did soak the log with hot soapy water and then sprayed with the garden hose. Then I left the log to dry for about 2 weeks before cutting it up. I had though about adding bleach to the soak but knew it would lighten the bark. {which might be a cool look too} I use pine cones around the house too and just use hot soapy water soak to clean them and hopefully “debug.” I tried cutting a few slices thinner but most all the bark came off. Which would be find too. A cleaner look. I have thought about heating up our grill, THEN turning it OFF, then add pines cones to heat and “debug.” Still haven’t tried it, but it would be safer. Let me know what you end up doing. It’s a great idea for save the date. Congratulations on your wedding! Hugs.

  2. Kendra Compton says:

    I love this Idea! I have been looking into to doing this as a Save-the-Date token for my upcoming wedding but obviously MUCH THINNER. I heard somewhere about baking them at a low temperature. What would you advise?

  3. Great ideas here..These are all awesome. Ive made garlands before and they trued out great and lasted a long time. I even sealed them all. I have chopped-up real smaller size and make necklaces and wrist bands. They were a big hit at the family reunion. I’ve move to the San Tan Valley, Az now and loving the weather too.

  4. Mary Sosa says:

    These are awesome! Very inexpensive, yet a great rustic (wow) result. I plan on making a GARLAND of these! LOVE them!

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