Pie Crust and the Green Bowl


Have you had to relearn something because you broke something?  I had to relearn to make pie crust after breaking my pie crust making bowl. 

Pie crust and the Green Bowl.

old pie crust recipe

Mom may send me to my room for this post!

For as long as I can remember, pie crust making around our house involved using a particular green bowl.

It’s even in the recipe!

You might notice the recipe isn’t much!   When I was a teenager, mom showed me how to make pie crust.  Make it in the green bowl.  Add flour to about here {pointing to an imaginary line on the bowl} a dash of salt, big scoop of shortening.  The water was added when the shortening was cut into the flour to look like peas.

I never saw peas!

Went I moved out on my own I got the green bowl.  Mom was ready to use ready made pie crust.

For years I tried making pie crusts in the green bowl making slight adjustments.

Then eleven years ago…

I broke the green bowl!!

Pie Crust and the Green Bowl

Without the green bowl, I had to figure out a new way to make pie crust.

Pie is my one Thanksgiving tradition.  I make at least one pie every year.  Even if we are going out of town for the holiday.  Sometimes I made a pie before or after Thanksgiving.  The type of pie is not a tradition.  Maybe pumpkin, apple, blueberry or cherry.

But there will be pie!

Now that the green bowl is no longer, here’s how I make my Thanksgiving pie crust.


The pin can be your recipe card

Pie crust

I used very cold, actually a bit frozen unsalted butter.  I cut up 1 and 1/2 sticks.

Plus 1/4 cup shortening, very cold too.

Then I measure out 3 cups of all purpose flour and 1 teaspoon of kosher salt.  This I dump into a food processor.

to about here… 🙂

pastry cutter country design style

If you don’t have a food processor, a pastry cutter works just as well.  Look for peas!!  👀

I pulse the flour, salt, butter, and shortening…

pastry flour like oatmeal country design styleuntil it looks like this.

I still don’t see any peas!

pie dough country design style

Next, I drizzle a tablespoon at a time, ice cold water, into the top, or over the top if you’re using a pastry cutter until the pastry forms a ball.  It’s usually about 5 to 6 tablespoons.  Then I add one more teaspoon of ice water.

Just for good measure…and it’s easier to roll.

pie crust rolled out country design style

This recipe makes two pie crusts.  I divide the dough and roll out to about 1/4 inch.

pie crust country design style

To get the crust into the pie pan, I fold it in half, move the pan closer and lift along the fold to the center of the pie pan.  Then simply unfold.

Running a sharp knife along the edge of the pie pan removes the excess.

handmade pie edge country design style

There are so many ways to fancy up the edge of the crust.  But my favorite is still my grandma’s pinch and twist.  I personally love unperfect pie crust edges.

Now I’ve got to go clean the flour off my camera and the kitchen floor!


I found an image of the green bowl!  The only difference was ours had scratches inside from the pastry cutter!  The image is from Laurel Leaf Farm and sells for $16.75!  Hum!!!  Wonder if mom would notice the difference. 

Or would it be like replacing a lost hamster for a new one?

Let me know in comments below what your family Thanksgiving traditions are.  I’m collecting traditions for a post on November 13th and would love to include your tradition.

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    1. Laurie,
      I found a picture similar to the green bowl and added it to the post. I do remember it being an Anchor Hocking piece! Thanks you for reading and glad you enjoyed the story. Jeanette.

    1. Mary Beth,
      I’ve made pie crusts that were so bad we only ate the middle of the pie. This recipe works well for me. Let me know how yours turn out. Jeanette

  1. What a great story! That’s what family traditions are all about. Your crust looks light and flaky. I can’t wait to try it. I hope you were able to clean your camera 🙂

    1. Meegan,
      Thank you for putting this tour together! It’s been a blast! If my camera survives sawdust I guess a little flour won’t hurt it. 🙂 Jeanette

  2. Love your green bowl story and I know you were so upset when you broke it.

    Pie crust is something that I’ve never tried to make. Thanks for making it look so easy.

  3. chris aka monkey says:

    kinda like the ham story, kid watching mom get a ham ready for baking,she cuts it in half and kid asks why do you cut it in half? mom says cause my mom did and calls her mom to find out why, her answer is well because my mom did, prompting a call to nana, whos says well because i didn’t have a pan big enough to put it in whole…lmao xx

    1. Chris, that’s hilarious! Cooking is not a strong point for me so I usually do as mom taught. My family has some strange kitchen customs. Thanks for reading along. ~Jeanette

  4. What a great story and I know what you mean. I have 2 bowls I use all the time for baking. I hope I never break them. LOL

  5. I love this story! Isn’t it funny how remember certain things being made with a particular bowl, gadget, pot, etc.? My mom always used the same little can for biscuit cutting. These are the things that traditions are made of. thanks for the recipe! I’m going to have to try this!

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