Goal Reaching Workbook


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I’m a planner…and sometimes I get something done!

Today I’m sharing my goal planner that’s simple and works for me.

For the DIYer’s out there, you may be wondering, “where’s the DIY?”

I promise.  I’ll get back into the workshop very soon.  January has been wet and cold.  My little workshop doesn’t have heat. 


I did use my goal planner to redo my DIY plans for January and February adding simpler DIY projects to share. 

Even if I get a bit wet.

Goal Reaching Workbook

goal reaching workbook sq | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

What’s different about the goal reaching workbook you ask??

Progress Clock | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

The big thing is the progress clock. This is an easy way to track your tasks to reach your goal. Complicated goals, like starting a website, have tasks that are quick to complete but can’t start until another task finishes. Then other tasks that are long but you need to finish other tasks along the way.
Do you have mornings with so much to do you can get anything done? You don’t have a clue where to start. Then you wind up spend time doing something unimportant to your goal!
This simple system helps me.


goal reaching workbook CupG | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

Click above to start the download.

goal reaching workbook for pinning | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

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If you’ll interested in finally conquering your clutter, join me and check this out.  I’m finding several ebooks that I would have happily purchased separately.  I haven’t gotten to the courses yet!

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