Swedish Death Purging, my thoughts?
I’ve realized a few things about decluttering and the Swedish death purging idea that I never thought I would ever say. I can get rid of treasures and feel unruffled!

When it comes to the death purging, I genuinely hope I’m years ahead of myself.
We put our wonderful mountain home on the market, and it sold. So, we spend 2 weeks decluttering, donating, trashing, and a bit of death purging. So, I’m sharing thoughts from a craft and woodworking hoarder.

What is Swedish death cleaning or purging, as I called it?
Margareta Magnusson introduces us to the idea of death cleaning in a book called The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. The basic principle is decluttering items before you die and not leave the mess for your family to deal with dispursing your things.

What is the difference between the Marie Kondo method and Swedish Death Cleaning?
Kondo’s life-changing magic of tidying up is decluttering with the idea you only kept what brings you joy. I have lots of things in my home that brings me joy. Death cleaning’s basic idea is decluttering to not leave a mess for family when you die. The other difference is Kondo is quick decluttering while death purging may take months.
How are the 2 methods similar?
Kondo’s life-changing is decluttering with the idea you only kept what brings you joy. I have lots of things in my home that brings me joy. Death cleaning’s basic idea is decluttering to not leave a mess for family when you die. The other difference is Kondo is quick decluttering while death purging may take months.How are the 2 methods similar?
They both focus on getting rid of stuff as a way to create a simple life. A life of calm and less needless clutter.
The joy and relief of letting go
Projects to do someday overwhelmed my little workshop. Every time I started a project, there was a box of organ parts to move out of the way before getting to the tools. I donated the box. It started feeling good to not worry about the time and ideas to use the parts. Now, it’s a chance for someone else to find their creativity.
Some of my most precious possessions came from family members that passed.
Fifteen years ago, I did my will. I added an addendum that included a few possessions. With the list, I included family and friends that I feel would treasure the possession, hopefully. Then I started attaching notes telling the receiver why I treasured the item and a brief history. Plus, telling them if it’s something they don’t want to keep, it’s okay to donate or toss it.
Will anyone be happier that I saved this?
Does this bring me joy?
Do I need, use, or love this?

Tossing Dr. Phil and those never let the “cat outta the bag” personal stuff.
Remember when Dr. Phil first arrived on Oprah’s stage? To me, he was common sense, upfront, and no-nonsense. Now, it’s overdone, but in the beginning, I listened. And even bought one of his books called “Self Matters.” I think! Just look it up and noticed all the books have a red cover. Anyway, I read, took notes in a spiral notebook, added sticky notes in the book, and dog eared several pages.
I opened up to myself. *Give me a pat on the back! I wrote personal stuff, and no one ever read my notes. No one needed to; it was for my growth. I pack and drag those writing through at least 5 moves until this move. Yep, I tossed them.
I didn’t reread one word or even remember most of what I wrote. Reading it now might have reopened old feelings and doubts. Tossing everything felt terrific.

My final thoughts
The Kondo method didn’t resonate with me. Life to too short to fold clothes, I hang even t-shirts lately. The idea of death purging was helpful and I like the sentiment. But the best thing that truly helped…sell your home with little time to pack and move.
I need to admit, living in our little apartment with minimal crafting supplies is starting to ruffle my feathers.
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