How to Decorate A DIY Faux Fireplace

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Do you have a faux or real fireplace that needs help?  How to Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace.

How to Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

This could be called fire and ice.  I’ve wanted to place logs in our DIY faux fireplace for a while.

I finally got it done…

and in a unique way.

I do most things in a unique way!  Just ask Mike!

Easily Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

uniquely!  Below I share additional tips on how to decorate a DIY faux fireplace to look realistic.

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Mike was surprised when I turned from a walk with Bella dragging a tree that had fell.  We have an empty and neglected lot next door.  It’s full of elk trampled pine cones, great branches, and dead trees.  It’s a forest fire hazard.  So I’m “fire wising” a branch, pine cone and dead tree at a time. 🙂

The trunk of the tree is about 3 inches around.  Perfect for the faux DIY mantel.  I cut three pieces about 12 inches long.

Steps to Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

Next, I grabbed a white crayon.  Did you know you can order a box of one color crayons from Amazon?  I ordered two boxes of white crayons.  They are the larger size that toddlers use.  More crayon for them to eat! 😕

Above I’m practicing melting the crayon on branches.  More on that in a future post.  I use a craft heat gun to melt crayons.  It doesn’t blow as hard as a hairdryer.

logs with snow for faux fireplace | Country Design Style |

I started the snow by moving the crayon over the log while heating and softening the wax.

chopped crayons | Country Design Style |

Next, I chopped crayons like chopping carrots…

melting chunks of crayons | Country Design Style |

and sprinkled the pieces on top of the logs.  Then added heat to melt the “snow.”

Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

I stopped when the pieces turned smooth like snow.

Love Related Posts turq | Country Design Style |

The Faux Mantel

Decorating a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |
Decorating a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style

The “snow” covered logs in place.

An Idea to Decorate a DIY Faux Fireplace | Country Design Style |

I used 2 1/2 crayons to make the melted snow logs.  These would look great as a tablescape with candles too.

DIY Faux Fireplace DecoratingTutorial | Country Design Style |

Here’s my scrap wood fireplace.  I made it using leftover pieces and scraps from what I swept up in the dustpan!  It also has, broken spindles, and 6 thrift store frames {some broken} with an aged wood top.

Tips for making a DIY faux fireplace look realistic.

1. Add a piece of plywood in the firebox area.  I’ve seen too many faux fireplaces with the baseboard running through the firebox.  I painted mine with chalkboard paint.  Although a real fireplace will not have chalk drawings, it’s still fun!
2. Sit the mantel on tile, wood or something.  My mantel is in a carpeted room and sits on a 2 by 10 board painted black.  Otherwise, the carpet would go right up to the fireplace.
3. Sit the fireplace up to the baseboard and add a strip between the fireplace and the wall.  Notch the bottom to fit with any routered edges of the baseboard.  This was easy in our home since our baseboards are plain boards.  We live in a cabin.

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  1. Jeanette, love this idea! We just moved into a newly-built home with no fireplace, & I’ve been thinking of building one. I built one at our church, in what is now called “The Hearth Room”. For the firebox, I used a faux brick Masonite panel I found, painted it black, and cut two side pieces to angle back to the back piece, & also used it for the floor of the fireplace, and the surround. It looks very “real”.

  2. Thank you so much for the tips on making a faux fire place! Before I read the whole post I was thinking how great it would be to be told how to make one:) the whole thing looks great!

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