Chalkboard Eraser

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We live in a small town.  I don’t know if not have many shopping options is the reason I could not find a chalkboard eraser or not.

I mean how hard could it be??

Chalkboards are everywhere!!!

I asked on social media what others use to erase their chalkboards.  Top answer…

A rag!

Can’t we do better??

Chalkboard Eraser SQ

We buy them, make them, paint them, do fancy chalk lettering….

But what if we need a do over?


Please tell me it’s just me…

Chalkboard Eraser

but it seemed hard to find even online.  I went to the big city and into two different craft stores.  One didn’t even have chalk!  The other had two ugly plastic handled chalkboard erasers and one box of chalk {I bought them all!}

Then still being obsessed about finding a chalkboard eraser I came home an found some plain ones on Amazon {I bought two more!}

Through all this I did have an old chalkboard eraser.

I just wanted another one…

or two, or three…

well you get the picture.

Speaking of pictures above are my five chalkboard erasers!  The dirty one on the left is my original chalkboard eraser I’ve had for years.

Chalkboard Eraser-2I remembered the old chalkboard erasers that had a wooded top for a handle.  My mom had one I used when I was young.  So I decided to “fancy” up my new collection of erasers.

I cut a board about 1/2 inch larger that the eraser top and added trim.  These look like small trays.

Chalkboard Eraser-3Chalkboard erasers are strips of thick felt glued together along one side.  We find these things out when you take things apart! 😀

Above I just placed the eraser inside to make sure they fit okay.

Everything’s okay so far!

Chalkboard eraser all with wooden backs

Then I made two simple tops.  I cut a scrap pieces of wood to the same size of the eraser top.  One thick and one thin.

Then I aged the thin wood with my favorite aging technique, painted one putty gray, one creamy white, and stained the other.  The stained one will be for a client.  I’m making a chalkboard easel for a golf club and always do a little more than expected.  The eraser is the something extra.

Chalkboard Eraser-5I printed out “chalkboard eraser” on colored paper so….

Chalkboard Eraser-4I could see the white chalk I scribbled on the back.  Then used a pencil to trace around the letters transferring the letters to my chalkboard.

Chalkboard Eraser MainSo…how do you clean an eraser if you only have one??  Remember clapping them together to clean them.

chalkboard eraser #chalkboarderasers

Time to clean my old eraser.

How to DIY your chalkboard eraser with vintage inspired wood back.  Country Design Style

You can read about my chalkboard tips here.




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  1. Seriously incredible Jeanette! You are amazing and oh so talented! Thanks for the inspiration. Pinned 🙂

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