Beach Decor DIY, but I’d rather be a the beach

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Beach Decor DIY FP 2 | Country Design Style |

We live in Arizona.

There’s a bunch of cactus in Arizona.

I’m not a fan of cactus.  I missed the gene that finds the desert beautiful.  However, I do admire succulents.  They remind me of the plants growing wildly along beaches.

You just might want to try succulents too when you see my….

Beach Decor DIY

Beach Decor DIY FP| Country Design Style |

This display took under 2 minutes.

Beach Decor DIY ig1 | Country Design Style |

If you watch the video and move as fast as I did…it takes under 1 minute!

Okay, the video was sped up.

Beach Decor DIY PN | Country Design Style |

The beach decor DIYproject sits on the mantel with a wooden fish bowl.

Beach Decor DIY sq ig2| Country Design Style |

The wooden fish was painted white, distressed and finished with clear wax.

Love Related Posts | Country Design Style |

Upcoming DIY Project | Country Design Style |

Now for a sneak peek at an upcoming project.  The second organ I bought is finally getting its makeover.  You’ll want to keep a watch out for this one. 😀

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  1. Love it! Where did you get the glass container? I can’t find anything like that.

    1. Hey, Sandi, I replied on Facebook too. My suggestion is to check on Amazon. I bought the glass container in Safeway in 2016. Let me know if you find one. Thank you for reading along with me. Hugs. ~Jeanette

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