April Quotes Printable
Do you sound smarter when you use quotes? I might sound smarter…if I could remember them! Each month this year I’m collecting 4 quotes to share. April quotes are on the funny side.
Each month I’m sharing ideas to display your quotes. This month is a pretty basic idea…frame them.
April’s Quotes are from Margaret Mead to Reba McEntire to Shakespeare to Dr. Suess. Each one, with a bit of wit and humor.
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The quotes print on regular 8 1/2 by 11 paper. All four quotes print on one sheet. Each quote fits in a 3 1/2″ by 5″ frame.
Each month I’m sharing different ideas to display your quotes…hope I can come up with 12 ideas???
Quotes from previous months
For January, I taped them to the wall!!! What can I say, it was a hectic start to the next year.
February is sorta like this month, except I framed them in one 8 by 10 frame.
I cut the quotes into circles for March and hung them in a wreath.
By December, readers will have 48 quotes. Can you imagine what a unique gift for someone special? I already have my idea to display all 48 to give as an awesome gift.
Click on any to see more. Now I have to admit, subscribers can grab any of the quotes and all other printables created for Country Design Style in our Printable Library. Including free e-books, organization labels and more.
Click above to have complete access to all our printables. Plus, subscribers occasionally receive free printables not available on the website. Shhh…don’t tell anyone. 🙂
April Quotes in their own frame.
I used frames that have been painted so many times, I can’t remember what color they were when I bought them. But I’m sure at one point I painted them back to the color they were when I bought them.
Have you ever done that?
If you need four 3 1/2 by 5 frames just alike, click to view a few on Amazon. My favorite place for inexpensive frames.
To grab your own April quotes click here.
It would be a smart thing to do. 😀
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