Woven Duct Tape Stool

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woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style-fp #ductape #stoolEver try weaving duct tape?

It’s sticky business but I did it on my thrift shop stool.  Now my woven duct tape stool sits in my workshop.

Woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style #thriftshopstoolI bought this stool at a local thrift shop for $2.  The “pleather” top looked in pretty good condition…

Woven-duct-tape-country-design-style-4-priceUntil I removed the duct tape price tag!


Now I’m not one that’s really big on duct taping furniture.  It’s might be fine for some, but it’s just not my style.

Until now!

Woven-duct-tape-country-design-style-measuring-duct-tapeI figured it was time to give it a go and see what duct taping my thrift shop stool would do for it and cover the rip.  I measured out my duct tape strips.

Woven-duct-tape-country-design-style-2-starting-to-weaveLaid stuck the strips down on the kitchen counter horizontally.

Then laid stuck strips along the edge to weave through.

At this point, my fingers are a sticky mess.  Thankful the phone did ring, I kept going.

weaving-duct-tape-stickySticking and unsticking.  Lifting and weaving.

Woven-duct-tape-country-design-style-5-done!Done!  Any idea on how to get the sticky off my fingers.

Woven-duct-tape-country-design-style-6-applied-to-topNow I lift my woven masterpiece and lay it on the center of the stool.  Then I grabbed small scissors and trimmed the duct tape to the rolled edge.

Woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style-3-paintedNow for some paint.  I mixed in about 1 tablespoon sanded grout into a little of one cup of creamy white paint.  This should help stick the paint to the duct tape…fingers crossed!

Woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style-4-doneI faked dipped the legs into some green paint.  Fake because I really taped the legs {no duct tape, painter tape} and painted for a dipped look.

I’m a bit behind the times on this look.  I think it was popular last year!

Woven-duct-tape-stool-in-workshopBut I like my woven duct tape stool!  It’s perfect in the workshop!

woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style-sqDuct tape isn’t so bad on furniture!

woven-duct-tape-stool-country-design-style-pnahNow, I saw a small tear in the leather of the sofa…. 🙂

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  1. Kay alas: babi says:

    I have two leather looking recliners I bought on sale last year I noticed both are cracking large long cracks at the head rest and its pulling my hair out what should I do?

    1. Kay, I assume the recliners are not real leather? If they were I would have suggested using a good leather conditioner once a month to keep additional cracks from forming and ordering a matching piece of leather. Since I reread you question I would suggest finding a throw that compliments your room to drape over the back. ~Jeanette

      1. Kay alas: babi says:

        I was thinking about getting 2 small SouthWestern design rugs, to match the big area rug already in place, but making them stay put would be the problem I guess I could duck tape in the back Lol… and no they are not real leather but the cracks are sure real my scalp can vouch for that “Ouch!!!” Lol… Thanks for your advice! Kay

        1. Kay, I think southwestern rugs would be perfect and add a pop of color. Try gluing on the back of the rugs that rug gripper stuff to hold them on the backs of the chairs. Or double face carpet tape for a more drastic approach. It’s not fun when the chair bites! Let me know what works. ~Jeanette

  2. chris aka monkey says:

    lol i looked at this post because of a tear in the sofa…this stool turned out wonderful wouldn’t know it was duct tape xx

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