Townley Milk Picture gets a distressed plastic frame
I’m not the milkman’s baby!
Why! Because I look like my dad.
That doesn’t mean this man isn’t my cousin! 🙂
Do you know this man?
Townley Milk
Warning this post covers my family history.
Scroll down to see the steps to distress a plastic thrift store frame.
This was Grandpa and me. Thinking about him still, makes me happy! 😀
So all that said…you would think I’d have a large collection of Townley milk stuff. This is my collection gathered on Ebay.
I would love to do a promo for Country Design Style and be pointing to a spindle! I love creating with spindles!
This bottle never saw milk. It’s in perfect condition.
Steps to distress my Townley milk frame
I looked for the perfect farmhouse style wood frame and couldn’t find anything in the right size.
So, for now, I bought an inexpensive plastic frame. 😕
Here’s the step by step I took to give a distressed look worthy enough for my special photo.
- Paint the frame with brown chalk type paint. I used Deco Art Rustic.
- Paint with one coat of creamy chalk type paint. I used Heirloom Traditions French Vanilla.
- Add a coat of white chalk paint. I used FolkArt.
- Distress with a damp paper towel to reveal the layers of colors. Yep, I went down to the black plastic in areas.
- Rub on white wax. Then wipe back to light shine…very light.
I didn’t know our family was any part of the Townley milk family until the internet. I figured it was like if your last name was Smith and you moved next door to a family of Smiths but you’re not related. Interesting.
Have you gone onto I’ve been wanting to try it. Right now blogging keeps me busy enough on the computer.
Want more thrift store frame projects?? Click here.
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The person in the townleys pic is my grandfather.
Wow! Scotty, that’s amazing! Where did your grandfather work? Did he deliver milk or did he do ad campaigns? May I ask his name?
I love this story Jeanette and your milk bottle collection. My grandfather delivered milk door-to-door back in the day so your photo touched my heart. We used to love it when a carton of dixie cups mysteriously appeared in our deep freeze.
Marie, I’m so happy this touched you. I love the old family stories. I may just write more of them, but I might need to change the names to protect…me! 🙂 Jeanette
This was a great post! Pleasing to me because we (our small town in Virginia) also had a milk company who delivered door to door in the glass bottles) and also because my last name was Smith. AND, the biggest part of Smiths in this area are not related to me. We came from a whole different lot!
Lol! Barbara. Glad I picked the name Smith for the post! Jeanette
geeze i do not want to know about mine they are all probably horse thieves lol love your collection though xx
Chris LOL!! I do know some of mine were horse thieves. But that’s for another post! Jeanette
My maiden name is Milne so I collect A. A. Milne’s books. I was on Ancestry but I worked at the time and never had the time to actually sit down and do research. I am retired now and want to join up and investigate. Love your Blog!!!
Patty, thanks for the compliment. Maybe you will find you’re related in someway. My father did some research years ago and even when to the library in Salt Lake City. That was before the computer is what it is today. I have his notes, but haven’t had time to look at them much. Welcome to retirement! Jeanette
I love your post today as I am from rural roots in Saskatchewan Canada. Thanks for sharing that.
I love the rural life or at the very least a small town. Thanks for stopping by. Jeanette
That is so cool! Lucky girl…. My parents are both no longer with us, but I remember them laughing about me crying for our cow. We lived in a very small rural community and had a milk cow. I love milk and dairy anything. They decided to sell the cow when Mom got a job and didn’t have time to fool with milking, feeding it etc. They said when the man who bought the cow came to lead the cow and take it away, I pitched a fit! Crying over my cow~~yeah I can see it. ; )
Denise, what a sweet and fun story! Thank you for sharing it. I can just see a little girl crying as she’s watching her cow, and source of milk, being lead away. Family stories are the best. I still have my mom and many aunts and uncles. I’m thinking about starting to record stories before they are forgotten.