Thankful Answers



Did you know there’s a collection of thankful questions I made up just to share with you and your guests?

We’ve had a blast with the questions for the last three Thanksgivings.

So…that means I’ve only answered 3 of my questions. 🙂

Until now!  This year I thought it would be fun to answer ALL the questions.

I have to admit, some of the questions were tough to answer.

There’s a download for the questions if you want to put your guests in the hot seat too!

Thankful Answers


What skill do you have that you are thankful you have? DIY skills.  I have to thanks to my dad.

What animal are you thankful for?  Dogs.  I’ve known the love of a dog.

Name an invention in the last 10 years and why?  Live online videos.  The interaction with you guys is priceless.

Name a teacher, coach or leader you are thankful for and how they helped you?  Mike.  As an owner of a small company that started around our kitchen table, I watch him lead.  Five years later he sold the company.

What food are you thankful for?  Okra.  It’s my favorite.  I rarely eat it. 🙁

If you opened a box, what would be inside that you would be thankful for?  A raggedy old quilt my grandma made from my grandpa’s old jeans.  She made it as a cover for springs to an old bed.  The inside had burlap for padding.  It had thick red twine pieces that were used to loop through the springs.  She gave it to me when I was 20 years old.  I treasured it.  During a move, the packers must have thought it was padding.  🙁

What would you like to learn in the upcoming year?  How to turn wood on a lathe…make my own spindles! 😀

Just a few more…


What place are you thankful for?  Our home.

What celebrity would you like to be at the Thanksgiving table this year?  Joanna Gaines.

Name something you would like to make to give thanks for the holiday season?  A rolled pumpkin cake to everyone!!  Since I can’t give a rolled cake to everyone, I’m trying to give thanks by helping others with creative projects.

Name a place in your hometown you would like to visit and why?  The first Marland Home on Grand Street.  I’ve visited most of the sights in Ponca City but had not been inside the home on Grand.

What movie over the last year you are grateful to have seen and why?  It’s sad to say, but I haven’t seen any movie this year that would come anywhere close to grateful!!  I am watching The Crown series on Netflix and I’m enjoying it.  My most moving movie I’ve ever seen was Ghost.

Name one simple item you are grateful for and why?  Porch swing.  It holds memories from the past.  Relaxes me now, holds promises of long future conversations.

Describe a picture or photo you are thankful to have and why.  A picture of my great grandmother holding my grandson as a baby.

What sport are you most thankful for and why? Golf.  It’s the only sport I know anything about.

What book are you most thankful to have read? A book my dad wrote.


What tradition are you thankful for and why?  Taking our time eating the meal that took hours and days at times to make!!!

If the doorbell rang who would you be thankful to see on the other side?  My son.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen him.

If you wish to download a copy of the thankful questions click here!

Oh!  You will get a party planner and place cards too!

My thankful answers were honest and challenging.  It’s good to turn the table on ourselves!

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Take a moment and pick a question and answer in comments below.

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  1. Gay Boston says:

    I loved this! I have a collection of photographs I’m thankful for, but I’ll narrow it down here. (1)My handsome father in his WWII officer’s uniform. He was overseas when I was born, & killed when I was 3 months old, so I never saw him, but I’m thankful to have pictures. (2)My mother, my daughter, my granddaughter, and me together on a porch swing. (No great grandmothers living by then.) (3)My aunt (my father’s sister), my daughter, my granddaughter, and me together at Christmas. (4)My (umm-3rd) wedding picture. Practice makes perfect for some of us. Thank you for the prod down memory lane. I will use your questions this year to encourage my family to share. My mother started a tradition with a styrofoam ring form, some fall-colored silk leaves, & a fine marker. Write what you’re thankful for this past year. It was interesting to see what was shared from one year to the nest. (I have the leaves.) Think I’ll go look for some new leaves and a ring…

    1. I love the idea of a fall wreath to add what each person is thankful for and then revisiting it next year. Thank you for reading along with me.

  2. I so enjoyed this post, Jeanette! I can’t wrap my brain around your Great-Grandmother holding your Grandson – six generations!!! You must’ve been heartbroken when you discovered your grandmother’s quilt missing – I got a pit in my stomach just reading it! I have many favorite books but the one that had the most impact on my life when I needed it most was The Gratitude Journal by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Thanks for sharing your answers with us and hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Fun and thought-provoking. I’d pick this one: Describe a picture or photo you are thankful to have and why. A picture of my mom and I walking on the beach. We took her every year. She loved the beach so much. I’m glad to have that reminder of our times spent together.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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