5 Things I do when taking down Christmas decorations
Do you love putting up Christmas decorations? I love it. DIY overload happens around our home when putting up the tree and all the trimmings.
But taking down Christmas decorations…not so much.
I have learned from past experiences that putting up all the festive trims and garlands is not fun if last years takedown was a debacle. Like putting all the “good” vintage ornaments in a separate box that ended up in Mike’s office. It was 2 years later before I ever found them again.
Taking Down Christmas Decorations
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The last several years I take down Christmas with a plan. Simple steps that not only make next Christmas a joy but help those in need in our community.
Here’s my plan
It may sound funny, but I have trouble tossing broken things. About the only way, I can toss something is to close my eyes and toss it. During the busy holiday season, things may break. If you have kids around you may not notice your favorite candy dish broke. Then you start taking down the greens from the mantel and find pieces tucked in here and there. 😉
If your grandson made an adorable popcorn ball ornament, take a picture and toss the popcorn ornament. Mice love popcorn. 😉
Take a few minutes and clean your decorations. This is one of my favorite cleaners that’s gentle on decorations. All faux greens are swished in a dishpan of soapy warm water, rinse and left outside to dry. We’re in Arizona so they dry quickly. If you have rain or snow, place under a patio or in the garage to dry. Some of my “better” faux greens I wrap in leftover Christmas gift wrap.
If you’re tired of the two ceramic elves with lime green hats, donate them. Let someone else love them for a while and help your favorite local charity. This year I’m donating our 9′ faux Christmas tree. Plus several Christmas DIY projects made over the years. Also, if you didn’t display it this year, donate it.
There are two ways to group your Christmas decorations. Pick which one works for you.
Group by theme {best if you tend to decorate the same way each year}
Gather everything from your tree and pack in “tree boxes.” Collect decorations from the mantel and store together. Continue grouping decorations by area. Front porch, tabletops, entry etc.
Group like items {this I do}
Store faux greens together. Wrap and store ornaments together…even the two you put on a wreath. Ribbons have their own box. Small decor Christmas trees have a large boot box they go back into each year. Snowmen go in an Amazon box. Get the idea?
Label the boxes! If you want to download labels designed for Christmas…click here!
This year, I have one additional tip if you plan a unique Christmas. We bought an RV this month. Our first ever. So far, we love it and want to spend next Christmas somewhere “??” in the RV. As I’m putting our Christmas decorations away this year, I’m setting aside one box for small decorations. A small faux tree, battery lights, small ornaments, a couple of battery candles, & a small wreath for the door.
Any suggestions on where to spend next Christmas?
Not that Christmas is over…I’m checking Mike’s office again.
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Great ideas. Had no idea nor did I ever think I should wash the greenery. Thanks for the tip!
I love your website…haven’t chatted in a while but I still follow! I didn’t even decorate for Christmas this year….between house projects and things are just not in place ….so I pulled out just a few things that I knew would make me smile😊💞 pics of my kids when they were little…or something they or my grandsons made us long ago….they are both married and gone daughter 29 just got married in June and our son age 32 married 7 years who has blessed us with two beautiful grandsons ages 4 and 2. We went to their house for Christmas….kids make Christmas fun….I’ll admit seems a little sad that we didn’t decorate but oh on this end of nothing to put away…whew! Feeling happy about that. Have to ask a question the pic of your pup helping with laundry…by any chance is it a Coton de Tulear…..the hair and color sure looks right…let me know…if so I have two..not a common dog..had to ask …Happy New Year! Kim
Kim, Christmas is quite different with kids. Mike and I usually have a quiet Christmas with just the two of us and little Emily. Yes, she is a Coton de Tulear. Great spot. They are not common but such wonderful and sweet dogs. What are the names of your two Cotons?
Thank you so much for following along with me and our DIY adventures. Have a safe New Year!
Cindy, I always look for easy ways to clean. Cleaning is not “fun” for me. Thanks for reading. Have a great new year.