Sort Cards

I confess I’m a closet hoarder!

Not the kind that needs serious intervention or my own TV show.  Are you one too?  Here’s how I’m conquering the clutter.

Sort-cards-for-organizing-anything | Country Design Style |

Sort Cards

I’m the kind that has closets stuffed to the max.  The closets, drawers, cabinets and every nook and cranny I can find around here is stuffed with stuff…or clutter.

If you dropped by unexpectedly,  you would never know I was a closet hoarder.  Even if I went to a cabinet to grab us a couple of wine glasses or coffee cups, you would not really notice.

Sort-cards-keep | Country Design Style |
Keep!  Picture of my favorite card!

But with a deeper look, you would see I have everything I’ve ever owned.  At least that’s what Mike says. :/

Anyway, over the years I have collected tips and tidbits that help organize all my stuff.  I’ve put all these tips into cards that I use for sorting.

The Updated Cards

Sort cards…or the updated catchphrase…declutter cards!

Sort cards or declutter cards

I’m sharing my Sort Cards with you today. Simply sign up to the email list below and download the printable “cards.”  Cutting and folding on the guidelines will make 12 total cards with instructions and additional info for each category on the back.  I suggest printing on card stock because you will be using them over and over, again and again.

Some of the categories are; long-term storage,  homework {not what you might think,} sell, donate, repair and five more.

Grab your own set of Cards

Declutter Cards

To purchase your set of decluttering cards, click here.

(Note: This is a digital/printable product. You will receive a download link upon completion of your purchase.)

I’m the kind of person that while cleaning out the garage I find my “good” craft scissors in with garden tools.  So this is perfect for me.

These sort cards are perfect for getting ready for yard sales too!  For more yard sale tips simply click here.

Let me know how they work for you in comments below.

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  1. Thanks! I have been sorting and cleaning out stuff for awhile. These cards will help others know which pile is which! Maybe it will inspire them to help me! 😉

    1. Let me know if you get help! I’ve got so sorting to do myself in the guest room closets. I tend to fill them over the winter and have to empty them for guests in the warmer months. I know the card will help you. Hugs! ~Jeanette

  2. Thanks for the printables! I think we all get to points where we just shove things into closets and don’t want to deal with them! I really need to add cleaning things out to my “To Do” list.

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