We all get the same 24 hours

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We all get the same 24 hours.

Have you ever read something that smacked you upside your head?

Ruth Soukup’s latest book, “Living Well Spending Less” is available today on Amazon!

I have the honor of being on Ruth Soukup’s launch team for the book and the opportunity to review it for you today.

Living Well Spending Less is not only a great concept but a fabulous website and now a #5 best selling book on Amazon!

LWSL Book Transparent

I promise some lines in the book will smack you upside your head too!  Instead of headaches though, you will learn tips and trick to live a balance life.




Here’s why:

You will learn living a frugal life is a Good Life.
A life rich in faith, family, friends and creativity.
You will understand contentment is a choice we can all make.
Realize our priorities.
How to find your place where passion and abilities meet.
“Bloom where you are.”
How to finally reach your goals, large and small.
“If we want to live the Good Life, we must fill our jar well.
How to develop an organized home and life.
Clutter leads to a cluttered mind.


Here is why I will be rereading “Living Well Spending Less 12 Secrets of the Good Life” on New Years Day.

“We all get the same 24 hours.”  The line that smacked me upside my head.  I have been going to bed every night for years with a list of all the things I didn’t get done that day.  That’s not the way to end each day.  I’m now starting the steps from Ruth to develop “eating frogs” and “creating good habits.”

“Bloom where you are.”  I often think, “I can’t wait until…” or “Someday I will….”  Instead of “blooming where I am.”  We are always in the right place, in the right time and have what we need to bloom.

“Purge Excess Stuff.”  My excess stuff is not items I needlessly buy, I’m not a shopper.  My excess stuff is broken pieces and paper.  Paper I can purge.  Those wonderful beautiful broken pieces need to be collected and organized so as a DIYer I can build more stuff!  Okay, I will reread “Less Stuff Equals More Joy” three times!


I am recommending this book as a must read to my family and friends too.  I read it on my kindle and just counted the highlights and notes I made.


It’s a great book.

You can get your copy of “Living Well Spending Less 12 secrets of the Good Life” here!

You can follow along with Ruth at the blog Living Well Spending Less here.

“Living Well Spending Less 12 Secrets of the Good Life”

Published by Harper Collins Christian

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  1. Well Jeanette- guess I’m not publishing the post I have scheduled for Friday! It was entitled “we all get the same 24 hours”! I had a preacher over 20 years ago that did a sermon around that. My children are sick of hearing from me- it is “against the rules” to say I didn’t have time at our house. It truly is a life changing phrase. I’m on vacation so I won’t be posting on Friday now! 🙂

    1. Laura, I hope you do go ahead and publish your post! I would love to read it. Plus posts with the same title is fine. Might even help with SEO?? Enjoy your vacation! Jeanette

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