Popular Chalk Projects

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popular chalk projects https://countrydesignstyle.com #chalk #chalkboard #diyprojectsCome on up and solve this problem…

U ·/. 5 = 1.9

U = ____

Are your palms sweaty, heart racing and cheeks turning red?

Mine were in 6th grade when being called up to the chalkboard.

Actually I was shy and the palms sweaty thing happened to me often.

It amazes me that my fear of that room long green chalkboard has faded to a love of all chalkboard today.

Except any green ones!

chalkboard-tips-country-design-style-PN-erasersIf you love chalkboard too…now that we are all grown up…almost, I thought I would share some popular chalk projects.

Starting off with tips.  No green chalkboard here.

Chalkboard-mason-jar-seal-tags-country-design-style-SQHere’s a use for that stack of mason jar seals.

chalkboard-easel-country-design-style-thumb #chalkboardeaselI made this easel for a golf course.  Would love to have a repurposed decor shop with an easel like this sitting on the sidewalk.

metal flower chalkboardsChalkboard paint is perfect for those great finds you don’t know what else to do with.  The black looks so much better than a photo would look in these incrdible metal flower frames.

Chalk Fire 3Add chalkboard to furniture and faux mantels.  Even in the summer, placing a board painted with chalkboard paint in a real fireplace.  Cool!

spinning chalkboard sign mainSimple or spinning.  Chalkboards signs are easy to make.

chalkboard note pad https://countrydesignstyle.com #burlap #chalk #notesThere’s something about that charcoaly black color and burlap that simply goes together.  This was just a scrap block of wood painted with chalkboard paint with burlap glued around the edge.

chalkboard eraser https://countrydesignstyle.com #chalkboarderasersAn finally when we’ve solved that problem…

lets erase!

Here’s some chalk erasers I dressed up.

Oh, um…

Anyone know the answer to the problem.

My cheeks are red!


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  1. OMG the fireplace is brilliant, what a great collection of CB ideas. Love the header of your blog too, it has great personality 🙂

    1. Dawn, Thank you so much for visiting. We love the fireplace, but it’s not very warm. 🙂 Glad you like the header too. I just updated it two days ago. ~Jeanette

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