How to survive making a Facebook live demo without Bumbling

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How-to-survive-making-a-Facebook-live-demo-without-Bumbling-Filming | Country Design Style |

You know it’s going to be a nervous wrecking day.  You have butterflies in the tummy and sweat dripping from your brow. And you know you’ll end up gluing something to your hair.  Then you do…live on camera. 😕

This is for readers and viewers of videos as well as the blogger making all these fun informative and entertaining videos.

Text in regular font share tips for bloggers making videos and

text in italics are witticisms for readers and viewers.

How to survive making & watching a Facebook live demo!

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Overcome fear

In a word…don’t!  Several years ago, I read Carol Burnett’s book, “This Time, Together.” Carol describes the butterflies in her tummy each time before walking out on stage. And then that one time, she was getting ready to perform, and no butterflies! She felt confident and ready to take on the performance and audience. She bombed!

So embrace the butterflies.  Let your audience know you’re nervous. People are helpful and understanding…even on Facebook…sometimes.
Still paralyzed of hitting that live button? Flip the camera and share a DIY project you’ve made, a room reveal, or your favorite junk store. Even better just film your hands creating your DIY.  Viewers love those.
I’ve had several DIY flops live and on camera!
  • Once I ironed crayons that melted into a blob on burlap…instead of the Christmas tree shape I was going for.
  • Then the time I did a jigsaw tips video and left my jigsaw in another room. I actually left the video to go running around looking for it…and didn’t find it until after filming.
  • On a Hometalk live video with thousands watching, I didn’t realize I grabbed the wrong size drill bit. I could finish the project! Yikes! And Hometalk still asked me back!

Prep before filming Facebook live

Prep your DIY project by building the steps beforehand. Your audience will not wait for paint to dry.
Set up several hours before going live. Check lighting, shadows and your background. This lighting set is wonderful for videos and photos.  Remember we’re doing DIY demos.  Add something pretty behind you.  I love this tripod. It’s tall enough when I’m standing and can sit on the worktable for overhead shots. Do set the camera angle slightly above your nose.
Do a brief dry run but don’t over practice. When I over practice I don’t come across as natural.
Print out a Live Video CheatSheet and tape it next to your camera.  This helps you to remember the things you want to say and do.  You can download my version here.
If you watch the latest Hometalk live we had tripod issues. I should have set the tripod on the worktable. Ops!  I’ve been doing live videos for over two years and I’m still learning.  

Tips while filming live

Be yourself and share your passion for your DIY project you’re demoing. That passion will come across to your viewers.

When you are live on Facebook they show you how many people are watching. That can be scary. Too many people watch and the butterflies go into your throat. Or the number starts dwindling and you start talking faster. At least, I talk faster as the number drop. 

How I address this?

Place a piece of painters tape over the number. Remember isn’t not only how many watch live. The number of shares and those that watch the recorded video is important too.

My biggest problem with being myself and sharing my DIY passion is I get wordy. I picture in my head all the viewers {friends} are standing around my worktable. The chatting starts and I have trouble staying on topic. I’m working on that little by little.

Thank you to all the viewers who listen to my ramblings! 

Here’s my latest Hometalk live DIY demo. Warning: watched sitting down. The audience falls down at the around the 9:50- minute mark!

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After filming

Make sure to hit the “publish” button!  Leave everything and make your favorite drink.  Ice tea, s glass of wine, or a shot of whiskey!

Then promote your video on social media and on your website.

Make notes on what could be better next time and what worked this time.


Thank you to all by viewers through the past couple of years.  My videos are not perfect but they are full of passion for DIY!


Don’t bother cleaning up right away.  Instead, bask in your glory or….

How-to-survive-making-a-Facebook-live-demo-without-Bumbling-After | Country Design Style |


The day ended with a call to my hairdresser.

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