6 ways you can conquer decorating Easter without kids

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three collections of eggs

The house is quiet. The Easter bunny has no Easter egg ideas for your home. No vinegar smell of dyed eggs. The only hunt will consist of looking for your glasses…that are sitting proudly on top of your head.

When your children move away and start their own family traditions you find your holiday decorating style changes.  This is what Easter decorating can turn into without kids to keep you on the right bunny trail.  No fake green Easter grass to sweep up until June. No plastic eggs in the bushes and sadly no chocolate Easter bunnies.

Easter Egg Ideas for Decorating without kids

Broken furniture pieces were not the image you were expecting…right?

It’s been more years than I want to admit since my son and I had our first Easter egg toss. It was our first and last since I saved an egg from the boiling pot. And quietly watched as he carefully colored the one uncooked egg. Then during the egg toss, I made sure that egg what’s tossed just a bit harder. Yes, I was that kind of mom!

As I look through my Easter posts, I guess I’m that kind of decorator too.

Easter Egg Ideas

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Easter-egg-ideas-for-adults-spindles | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

Broken down furniture pieces with chippy paint was not the picture you were expecting…right?

Broken pieces of furniture were not the image you were expecting…right?

Easter-egg-ideas-for-adults-SQ | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

Since I’m becoming known as the spindle lady, I thought, “why not make spindle eggs.  When looking at a spindle the other day I saw an egg in the smooth curves.  Not the normal thing to notice, but I’m not normal when it comes to spindles.   I do believe the actual count of spindle projects is close to 50.

Easter-egg-ideas-spindle-eggs | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

How I made spindle eggs.

Using my miter saw, I “found” the egg areas and cut away the rest of the spindle.  For safety sake, I didn’t use the two smaller spindle pieces in the image.  After a light sanding and my “eggs” were ready. I’m displaying them along with wooden eggs. Otherwise, they would be small pieces of furniture!

Wooden eggs with furniture painting finishes.


Several Easters ago I painted these wooden eggs with a style and flair you would paint furniture.  Distressing with sanding paper. Layering paint and revealing the color underneath with vaseline.  One year I added monograms to the wooden eggs. Most are now repainted and the monograms covered.  Except for my favorite glittery “D.”  There’s even an old video on this post made for my previous website, Homa Style!  Yikes!

I have a confession…

 Easter-egg-ideas-for-adults-dyeing-eggs-naturally | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

I devoted an entire day trying this Easter egg idea! Yes, I tried to color eggs with stuff from the fridge and cabinets.  Turned out I was lucky no children helped.  Instant gratification is huge with little ones.  Instant results didn’t happen with these eggs.  Plus we feared eating them!


Strange Nests for Easter Eggs

Eggs in Twine Nest | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

Nests of Twine

Any time of year, you can find these nests displayed around here.  Total blast to make and easy.  Click here for the tutorial to make your own twine nests.

Burlap Ribbon Fist Nest

You read that right.  Fist nest.  As in making a fist while holding the end of 6-feet of burlap ribbon.   Then wrap the ribbon loosely around twisting ever so often.  Next, when you reach the end of the ribbon, tuck it in the middle.  Pull your hand out and you have a nest of burlap.  A quick video shows it in “action!”  Note: this was my fourth video.  The first three I wrapped the ribbon too tight.

Easter-egg-ideas-for-adults-SQ | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

Our Easter Mantel and Rope Nest


This was our mantel if you’ll like to take a peek.  Notice the rope nest! 🙂

Easter-egg-ideas-for-adults-pin | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.com

If I can find my glasses I’m heading to the grocery store for a chocolate Easter bunny.

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  1. I have just the tops of the spindles/ballisters. I might do Easter eggs…but was thinking of using them to make Christmas characters—the ball on top used as heads. Maybe angels? Have any ideas?

  2. This looks so cool. It’s very timely since Easter is fast approaching. Love the colors. Will definitely try these at home.

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