Household Tips Series 6

Shopping list https://countrydesignstyle.comThis is the last in the Household Tips Series.  Each Friday I took Facebook Posts of 30 days of household tips in January and reposted them here.  Five on each Friday for the past six weeks.  If you’re not following County Design Style on Facebook, you might just want to consider doing so.  Why, because every once in awhile I like to do 30 days of _________!  Usually these posts never make it to the website.

So, not for Household Tips Series 6!

About 20 years ago I made a handwritten grocery shopping list of everything I usually buy and taped it inside of the pantry door.  Over the years the list when from handwritten to computer, adding categories, and adding new things and deleting old things.  The one above is a few years old, thankfully we no longer need back heating pads, but you can download the sample of the shopping list here.  Of course I suggest you make one for your needs.

I don’t like grocery shopping, do you?

Straight pin in wall https://countrydesignstyle.comI starting doing this tips when renting but I still do this every time I can because I saves on patching walls and repainting.  A regular o’ straight pin when carefully tapped into drywall walls will hold small light weight pictures.  Now that I’m blogging and consistently changing pictures around this really helps save the wall.

I can’t imagine what the wall over the bedroom scrap wood mantel would look like without straight pins or those sticky pull off wall strips! 🙂

Cleaning areas in home https://countrydesignstyle.comI not a fan of cleaning house!

Don’t like grocery shopping, don’t like cleaning house!  Makes you wonder what I do like to do around the house??

DIY projects!!!

I’ve learned that a few minutes each morning and a couple of extra hours once a week works for cleaning house.  On those extra hours I do one area really well.

Works for me! 😀

electric plugs in cabinets https://countrydesignstyle.comWhen I first saw plugs in the back of some kitchen cabinets I thought the builder must have lost his mind!  Now I couldn’t imagine certain cabinets without plugs.  Our coffeemaker, toaster, toaster over, blender and small mixer sit on pull out shelves inside cabinets.  Plugged in and ready to go.  Oh, and even my printer is in one of the cabinets going to the garage.

If you’re building or remodeling a home I highly suggest doing this one!

water pitcher https://countrydesignstyle.comThe last tip isn’t really a “household” tip but I’m a big believer in getting 8 glasses of water each and every day.  Since I’ve been working from home for over 24 years I’ve had the luxury of filling a pretty container of the days water.  Now the days I’m working out in the workshop I don’t take water out in a pretty glass pitcher {sawdust doesn’t add much to the taste of water} but I still use a large plastic water bottle.

Drink up!

You’ll feel better to manage your household tips!

You can back track and read up on the rest of the series here.

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