Household Tips Series 5

bottle brush cleaning kcup https://countrydesignstyle.comWelcome to household tips series 5!

All the way back to January I did a 30 series of household tips on Facebook.  The tips were only available on Country Design Style’s Facebook Page…until now!

If you’re not following Country Design Style, you just might want to consider following.  Occasionally I like to do 30 days of__________ on Facebook or put up interesting posts that are not on the website.

Above I found a baby bottle brush cleans those reusable “K” cups quickly.

binder clips and clothespins to close food bags https://countrydesignstyle.comWhen my son was still living at home, he started to enjoy cooking.  But he really disliked those twisty wire things.  Twisting one way only to find it was adding more twists than unwinding.  I didn’t like them either.  So we had a pack, no twisty thingies!!  I like using clothespins, seems so farm like.  Or even binder clips.  Not so farm like, but they work.

smaller flower arrangements https://countrydesignstyle.comI love grocery store flowers.  When my son was still at home and very young we didn’t have much money leftover after paying the bills.  Shhhh!  Don’t tell him,.  He didn’t know.  🙂 Trips to the grocery store was done with a calculator in hand to make sure I didn’t go over budget.  But at the checkout if their was enough money for a $4 bunch of flowers, we bought them.  They bought a spot of color, life and happiness to our little duplex next to the train tracks.  I learned that the flowers last longer usually if you trimmed them down each day.

Now I still buy grocery store flowers and love to trim them down and make simple small bouquets around the house.

Can you tell I’m missing my son a bit! 🙁

computer timer https://countrydesignstyle.comWhere does time go???

Into the computer!  As a home DIY blogger I really don’t have a lot of time to spend sitting on the computer.  I’ve got paint drying, wood that need cutting for a shelf, and floors that need mopping.  I’ve learned to use a timer on the computer.  I also use a timer when cleaning and mopping those floors too.  But no timer on projects.

Paint drying does not understand a timer!

small flower arrangements https://countrydesignstyle.comRemember the time I told you I love grocery store flowers???

I think is was just a few sentences ago!

Well here’s another tip with grocery store flowers.  I grab one large bunch of different types of flowers.  The $4 bunch is now $15 on sale!  Then I fill 4 to 8 small vases of like or same colors flowers and set them all around the house.

I still miss my son!

You can back up and read the others tips in the series here.

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