Furniture Makeover Shades of White

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Furniture Makeover Shades of White Fp | Country Design Style |

This furniture makeover was inspired by skimmed wedding cakes.

Have you seen them??

The rustic skimmed edges with a pile of flowers on top…stunning!

The only issue I see is…what about the skimmed off frosting???  Do you get it on the side??

The frosting is the best part.


Furniture Makeover Shades of White

Once a month I have the joy of joining a talented group of furniture painting ladies for a themed furniture makeover.  This month the theme is “Shades of White.”

Furniture Makeover

Please browse the stunning makeover at the bottom of the post.  Ask them any questions too.  We all love to help.

Furniture Makeover Shades of White | Country Design Style |
Furniture Makeover Shades of White | Country Design Style |

This is the table for my makeover.  I bought it at a yard sale for $7 about 15 years ago.  The top is a veneer disaster…

and I love it!

Since I’m planning on lighting up our living room this was perfect for a furniture makeover shades of white!

Furniture Makeover white | Country Design Style |

If you haven’t seen a skimmed wedding cake just do a search on Pinterest.  You will be amazed.  Just where are they putting all the extra frosting??

Anyway, I started with a firm white base.  Three coats of leftover white paint.  I wanted the base to be covered in white frosting paint.

Furniture Makeover in White | Country Design Style |

Then I painted the middle legs with two coats of paint.  The legs will be rustically distressed.

Furnture Makeover in White Details | Country Design Style |

The top edge of the table was also painted with three coats of frosting paint.

The apron area was painted and…

Furniture Makeover white edges | Country Design Style |

immediately wiped back.

I was having a bad camera day and the pictures during the painting look like I was…

eating cake!

Furniture Makeover in White | Country Design Style |

Then I dry brushed lightly for the skimmed frosting affect.

Furniture Makeover Shades of White Skim cover | Country Design Style |

The top was dry brushed.  It felt like the pile of flowers on top.

Plus I still like the veneer disaster. 🙂

Furniture Makeover Shades of White Table | Country Design Style |

Here’s the skimmed frosted table ready for the reception!

Furniture Makeovers in white

Now let’s check out more furniture makeovers in white.

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  1. This re-do of yours is such a wonderful inspiration for me, Jeanette. I am a brand-new painter-to-be and really need information like yours to just pick up the brushes and start painting. Planning to do it right-away after die Easter week-end, promise-promise-promise …

    1. Isobel, thank you. The first step is just picking up the brush. Check in if you have any problems or questions. We have a creative group of DIYers to help. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. You are such a great story teller and I love the scroll legs on that little table… yummy as cake! I think it would also look great with a full serving of frosting! ;o)

  3. You come up with the most unique inspirations for your makeovers Jeanette! Enjoyed reading about your frosting/painting technique and the white is a great look for that rescued table!

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