Furniture Makeover Farmhouse Style

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Furniture makeover farmhouse style FP | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

My grandma would cover a large crock full of creamy buttery mashed potatoes with a plate to keep warm.

A footstool made by turning a bucket upside-down and tossing a pillow on top.

A simple table made from a 55-gallon drum with a piece of board on top.

The Furniture Makeover Farmhouse Style was inspired by these simple ideas.

Furniture Makeover Farmhouse Style

Each month I have the incredible opportunity to join the most creative furniture painters on the web!  We do a themed makeover and this month is my favorite…Farmhouse Style!  Please check out all the inspiring makeovers at the end of this post.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style before | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

This little metal table was given to us by a dear friend as a housewarming present over 15 years ago…and for another house!  It has worked hard.  The table lived inside, outside and on the porch.  It’s been painted and repainted many times.  Now it’s time for a new style.  Farmhouse.


I was inspired by the basic coverings of farmhouse living.  Old chipped plates, vintage throw pillows, and old boards.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style legs | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

First, I repainted the legs…again!  This time I used Rustoleum’s Country Gray chalked paint.  I’m loving this paint and the price!!!

While those skinny legs were drying {wish mine were that skinny} I measured the top.  A perfect square.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style boards | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

I collected board from the scrap pile…

Furniture makeover farmhouse style box | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

and made a slightly larger square box from a piece of leftover board.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style dry brushing white | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

Then I dry brushed the box using Rustoleum’s Soft White Chalked paint.  To dry brush, dip the brush into paint and then remove most of the paint from the brush using a paper towel.  Then drag the brush along the wood grain.  If the paint makes little bumps or clumps…I leave them.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style dry brushing grey | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

When it dried…which was when I finished the last side!  Chalk paint dries fast.  I dry brushed using the Country Gray.  Did you notice the black stamped areas on the boards above?  I just made sure to cover those with extra dry brushing. 🙂

Furniture makeover farmhouse style aging | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

Then to give the box an old barn wood look, I aged the wood using the tea and vinegar technique.

Farm Style Table Done

Furniture makeover farmhouse style Square | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

Next, Just like the 55-gallon drum, I placed the box upside-down over the top of the metal table.

Furniture makeover farmhouse style PN | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

Done!  A furniture makeover farmhouse style!

Furniture makeover farmhouse style before and after | Country Design Style | countrydesignstyle.ocm

See why it’s my favorite??

Now check the ideas below with me.

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  1. Hello… I’m trying to sign-up with your blog, but I am not receiving confirmation email. Also, I was led to your site by a pin on Pinterest (“21 Days of Farmhouse Style DIY Decorating Projects”). Is there any way that I am able to see/view the actual projects? I’m just being led to the intro of the ‘challenge’, but can’t seem to get to the project pages.

    Thank you!

    1. Oh Julie, I’m so sorry you’re having problems. The 21 Days of Farmhouse Style ended at the end of 2015. I thought I removed all the pins in Pinterest. Here’s what I can do for you. If you give me a couple of days to gather the 21 days and fire it up again, I’ll add you to a list to receive them. Thank you for your interest in Country Design Style.

  2. Innovative and pretty! I Love that your table has had so many personalities & uses. This one is sweet, especially when you pair it with your special memories:)

  3. Making a box that fits over the original table is a great idea. I love the finish that you gave it and also reading your memories of your grandmother’s farmhouse.

  4. Jeanette,
    Your creativity is shining brilliantly on this darling table. I think there might be a run on these tables at thrift stores and garage sales now. Beautiful!
    Happy Creating,
    Karen Marie

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