How to print and display printables
Do you know how to print and display all the printables created here on Country Design Style? Today, I’m sharing unique ideas to display printables.
It’s relaxing to create printables for me. I’ve made over 300 to share with readers. There are 6 main categories of printables.
- Organization – checklists, labels, workbooks, recipe cards
- Holiday – frame-worthy, checklists, cards, entertaining {placecards, napkin rings, etc.}
- Seasonal – frame-worthy, cards
- Project Plans – step by step woodworking or DIY plans with photos
- Free Digital Books – instant download information help books
- Frame-worthy – printables pretty enough to frame!
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How to print your printables
The paper
You can use regular copy paper for printable you will write on. Checklists or workbooks are examples of printables you might write on the printable.
Use cardstock for printables like labels. I create lots of tags, labels, and cards.
For frame-worthy prints, a brochure type of paper works best. You will have a brighter and crisper print.
In my posts, I let you know what paper is best to use.
The size
My frame-worthy prints are sized at 8 by 10. Of course, you print on 8 1/2 by 11 paper. That leaves a margin that most printers can’t print on anyway. I include a faint gray line on prints that require cutting. Including labels. I love using the guillotine cutter but these paper cutters work great too.
If you wish to resize your print, the easiest way is to copy and paste the print to pages or word document. Then use the size tool to adjust. Prints can go smaller with no problems. Larger prints may turn blurry.
Ideas to display your frame-worthy printable
It’s frame-worthy, so put it in a frame. This is one of my favorites found at a local thrift store. This collection of farmhouse frames include some I’ve ordered or hope to order.
Hang like a pair of pants. I think this idea would be fun as a checklist in the closet too!
Clip on a vintage binder clip. If you can’t find a vintage one this one is on my list to get too.
Use an antique clothespin. This clothespin is over 100 years old. It was giving to me by a family member in their late 80’s and their mom used it. I love the metal spring. These are great clothespins too.
Rest in a book or iPad holder. This is from the pump organ turned mantel. It held the songbook in place.
Cut 10-inch pieces from a measuring stick and tie twine to hang. You can use paint stirrers or pieces of lattice wood too. I use double stick tape to attach the printable.
Stick it on a clipboard and hang or prop up. This is a small clipboard I made. Clipboards are popular in thrift stores or grab one in the color of your room.
P. S. Did you know I have a printable library available to subscribers? The library contains printable from the website and some that I create only for subscribers. I work hard to give subscribers excitement about opening their email.
Click here to subscribe.
Let me know if you have other ideas for displaying printables. Let me know in comments below or tag me @countrydesignstyle on Instagram.
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