Chandelier Ring Art
For my non blogging friends and readers, when bloggers give a title to a post we should make sure it’s worth of search engines. That way when anyone is searching for easy or inexpensive art work they just might stumble into a post about easy or inexpensive art.
Occasionally I do that!
Most of the time, I don’t…
I like to title posts to my readers and me. A bit quirky and outta a box. Like me and the projects I tend to dream up.
This post is titled just what it is…Chandelier Ring Art…even though that doesn’t make sense and is NOT search engine worthy.
Two things happen to come together for this post.
One, a Ballard Design catalog in the mail…
with this photo! I need to make something inspired by these square art works, but different.
The second thing was I made a spindle chandelier...
and had these leftover. Here they are spray painted…lightly!
I had planned to spray them very dark with several coats, until I saw them with one coat. I liked the bit of gold showing.
Next I laid out some scrapbook papers and two shopping bags! The second and fourth from the left are shopping bags.
I drew a circle inside the ring on the back side of the paper or bag. Then cut the circle about 1/4 inch larger.
Then used white craft glue to hold them in place.
A dot of hot glue to hold a bent paper clip gives these something to hang with.
Back in January I did a 30 day of household tips on Facebook. Day 22 was to use a straight pin to hang lightweight items.
Straight pins was what I used for these chandelier ring art thingys.
Occasionally I do 30 days of ________ on Facebook posts. So if you’re not following CDS on FB do so here!
I hung the chandelier ring art in our small but tall powder room. It is 6 foot by 5 foot with a 10 foot ceiling!
But it have a cool sink…so I forgive it for being so tall.
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