Chalkboard Lettering
Can you feel the ground shaking??
Feel the distant beat??
It’s me doing a happy dance!!
I finally figured out how to transfer lettering onto those chalkboards with a coating.
Chalkboard lettering is everywhere!
Most chalkboards are easy to do the transfer of printed lettering. You can read my chalkboard tips here.
I’m also pinning away chalkboard idea on Pinterest. You can follow me here on Pinterest and/or here to follow my Chalkboards board. See you on Pinterest!
Here are the steps for basic chalkboard lettering:
1. Print out your lettering. Tip: If your lettering with white chalk, print out the lettering on colored paper.
2. Flip the paper over to the back side and lay a piece of chalk down on the side and cover the back of the paper with a layer of chalk.
3. Lay the paper with the chalk down on the chalkboard.
4. Use a pencil and outline the lettering. This transfers the chalk dust onto the chalkboard….usually!
On some chalkboards you will pick up the paper to take a peep and…
You try more chalk…
You try priming the chalkboard {laying the chalk on the side and covering the chalkboard with chalk and then erasing}
still nothing!
When that doesn’t work
I have two chalkboards that will not take the chalk dust. It could be due to the chalkboard paint. Both were painted with spray chalkboard paint. Some store-bought chalkboards have a film on them and it’s hard to get the chalk dust to stick on them too.
Yesterday I was determined to find something that would work. Yes, I even coated the back of the paper with baby powder.
Nothing. But the kitchen smelled great!
I tried to make a paste with ground up chalk. That was a mess!
Then I grabbed the vinegar spray bottle from under the sink and sprayed the back of the paper lightly.
When all else fails, grab the vinegar bottle, or wine bottle! But I wasn’t to that point yet.
I placed the lightly damped paper on the chalkboard. The chalkboard at this point was erased several times and had a slight layer of chalk dust.
I grabbed my pencil and started tracing the lettering…
Transfer works
It worked!!!!
On the steps above when the transfer works the lettering is white. This made the transfer lettering black.
What I think happens is the dampness of the paper is lifting the chalk dust from the chalkboard. It didn’t have anything to do with vinegar. I kept on transferring and getting the damp transfer technique just right.
So, this is what works for me.
The steps for chalkboard lettering when the one above doesn’t work:
1. Print out your lettering
2. Flip the paper over to the back side. LIGHTLY damp a paper towel with water.
3. Dampen the back of the paper lightly. I noticed the ink became darker as the water was damp. That’s okay.
4. Prime your chalkboard. {I didn’t have to prime my text chalkboard because it was used on had chalk dust on the surface.}
5. Lay the paper on the chalkboard and trace the lettering. Careful the pencil might tear the paper.
6. Lift the paper and you will have a black outline to trace your lettering.
This is one of my saying to live by…
I lead by my gut and found a way to transfer lettering to ALL my chalkboards. The saying is on the download list for all subscribers to Country Design Style. Click to subscribe.
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Great tip Jeannette! I’m trying to figure out how to get chalk OFF a chalk board haha! I bought some of those chalk pens from Wally World and did my outside chalk board for Christmas. Water won’t touch it- but I’m going to try the vinegar to get it off!
If the vinegar doesn’t work you can sand the chalkboard lightly with fine sandpaper and then repaint with a coat of chalkboard paint. I’ve done that several times. Let me know what works for you.
don’t ya’ just love it when a plan comes together xx