Insane bouquet display idea that will have you seeing dots!

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Bouquet-display-feature | Country Design Style |

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Insane bouquet display idea that will have you seeing dots!

I’ve been clearing out my dime store silk flowers and either making something creative with them or tossing them.

Raise your hand if you’re New Year’s resolution were to declutter!  I’m still decluttering one silk flower at a time! 🙂

Since the bottom of my silk flower box had colors from 10 years ago, yep I admit, I made two different styles to share.

The photos for the steps to make this bouquet display idea are the colorful flowers.  The farmhouse style bouquet was made the same way only using three different sizes of floral foam.

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Here’s the list of supplies to make this bouquet display idea.

Circles of floral foam or 2-inch thick styrofoam sheets
Knife for cutting styrofoam (bread knife works well)
2-inch ribbon
Several straight pins
Painters tape
Silk flowers

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1.  For the multi-colored bouquets, I used three 3-inch circles of floral foam.   I only have 2 circles so….

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2.  I cut an extra one from a sheet of styrofoam.

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The bread knife works best on bread.  Go around slowly and you’ll be done in a minute. 🙂

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3.  Next cut enough ribbon to go around the circles of styrofoam and tuck in the end.  Hold with a couple of straight pins.  Do all your circles the same.

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Bouquet-display-idea | Country Design Style |

4.  Now pull the flower heads off the stems.  Then push the little piece of plastic that holds the flower on the stem into the styrofoam.  Add more flowers until the top is covered.  Since these circles are 3 inches across, three flower head covered the top.

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5.  Then cover the wall with them!

How to hang the bouquet display idea???

Below are two easy peasy ways to hang the bouquets of flowers.

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Lightly tap a straight pin into the wall.  Yep, a straight pin will go through drywall.  Then push the pin head through the styrofoam.  Or…..

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Make a circle with a piece of painters tape.  Push a straight pin through the tape.  Stick the pin into the back of the styrofoam, then stick the circle in place on the wall.  The painters tape sticks to walls but doesn’t stick well to styrofoam.  The pin holds the tape to the styrofoam.  Got it??

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Now for bouquets the go with my current style.  Farmhouse!  For the farmhouse style bouquet, I used what I had and cut three different sizes of circles from the styrofoam.  One 3-inch, one 5-inch and one 9-inch.  I placed a dishes on the styrofoam to draw around and cut them out using that bread knife.

Every piece of burlap ribbon I had was wider than 2 inches.  So I cut 2-inch strips of burlap and pinned in place.  For more farmhouse, I wrapped a piece of twine over the burlap “ribbon.”  Click here to see an easy way to cut burlap ribbon.

Before I hung the bouquets I stacked them up to move items around on the mantel and realized…

I made a cake too!

What a fun idea for weddings and showers!!!

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I used white and cream silk flowers for the bouquets.  I had several stems of the star flowers in the larger circle.

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I love the burlap and twine from the sides.

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And I love any type of cake!  This one has zero calories!

If you like this idea pin it to remind you later!  I made several pins to share. 🙂

Here are other flower posts that are insane you might like too.  Click to scroll through the ideas.

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Would you like more Farmhouse simple ideas?  Click here to join our *FREE* 21 day Farmhouse DIY Challenge!

It’s a blast!


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  1. Joy Guilbeau says:

    Thanks so much for sharing Jeanette!
    You have inspired me more than you know.
    I’ve been feeling really down lately & I believe your Gr8 idea will get me back into my craft room. Love this, the ideas are endless!
    Have a Blessed day. Joy⚘

    1. Oh, Joy! Your sweet comment is exactly why I enjoy blogging and sharing ideas with readers. Plus I always learn so much from readers. I feel the best way to come out of the fog is to get creative. Have an amazing visionary day and stop by anytime. 🙂

  2. Love this idea Jeanette! They would make fabulous centerpieces for a garden party or wedding too. I’m saying that because had I seen this post a week ago, I would have completely changed the game plan for the DIY centerpieces I’m making for my daughter’s wedding in August. My idea is more time consuming and expensive, dang! I’m still pinning yours to my Wedding Board.

    1. Awww, thanks for pinning, Marie. Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding. I know you’ll make it magical.

  3. Thx great idea for my mom’s shelf outside her door at her Senior Living apt.-she didn’t want the work or “mess” anymore with so many house plants

  4. Andi Cacciatore says:

    Pinning this one!! I think these would look cute on a wall of framed photos or even in empty frames! Thank you Jeanette ❤️

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