Paper Towel Glued Mason Jar

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paper towel glued mason jar #masonjar #papertowelSometimes don’t you just feel like making something simple and quick?  paper towel glued mason jar

Not sure why I decided to glue paper towels to a mason jar, but that’s exactly what I did.

Think I had too much time on my hands!

For a change!

cast of characters #masonjarAbove is the “cast of characters” for this project.  A white craft glue of your choice mixed with a little water to thin.  A water based stain or paint {pick a color to match your table decor.}  A square or two of paper towels torn into strips.  A paint brush and I wanted add some twine to the middle of my jar.  Oh, and a mason jar with the ring.  Add the seal to your collection of seals and make these labels!

looks like burnt bacon #burntbaconDoesn’t that look like burnt bacon??

It’s really torn pieces of paper towel painted with some water based stain.

Maybe I’m just hungry!

mummy wrapped jar #masonjarOr weird, because the jar is starting to look like a mummy!

It’s about this time that I’m thinking about chucking it all in and doing something else.

But I keep on…

mason jar ring #masonjarringWhile the jar was drying, I smeared glue on the rim….

mason jar ring gluing https://countrydesignstyle.comThen covered the top of paper towel with more glue.  This seems to me to help form the paper towel to the shape of the rim.  I used a small razor blade to trim any excess paper towel from the edges.

finished paper towel glued mason jarI wrapped the twine around the middle of the jar.  Why is it that anything looks better with twine wrapped around the middle??

Maybe I should try wrapping twine around my middle!!!

Some sand {small gravel} from the yard, a candle, then just because I couldn’t stop, I added an aged clothespin and little chalkboard tag.

Okay, now I’m done.

Ready for the picnic table for the weekend.

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