5 Easy DIY Christmas wreaths you can make this weekend
From the dollar store to the workshop, there’s a wreath that will peek your interest.
I don’t know about you, but this time of year gets hectic around our home. Raise your hand if your home is the same chaotic mess during the holidays.
I pickes these wreaths because they are either super easy and quick to make, or perfect to make while watching Hallmark Christmas movies.
So, let’s get started with the easiest and end with the one that requires a bit more time. -Watch two movies while make it! 😉
5 Easy DIY Christmas Wreaths
The Hoop Wreath

The hoop wteaths are so easy to make. The three above took about 2 minutes to make each one. I made them for spring, but replace the greens for Christmas holly and you’re ready to hang.
See the full tutorial on the orginial post here.
The White Dollar Store Wreath

This winter white wreath is perfect for Chirstmas time too. Replace the bow with jingle bells hanging from a red ribbon and it’s ready for Santa.
Check out the dollar store item I used to make the white wreath here.
Wrapped Wire Frame Wreath
Say that three times.

This wreath is easy, but it will take one Hallmark movie to finish. Simple grab a wire wreath frame and start wrapping and weaving cording, rope, chunky yarn and clothesline cord from the dollar store. Perfect movie watching activity.
Learm more about the wire wrapped wreath here.
Classic Green Wreath

This classic green wreath requires hot glue, so watch your movie and your fingers at the same time! The post is about how to make a wreath. But it’s perfect for the holidays, don’t you think?
See the how-to for this wreath here.
My Favorite Wreath

This wreath might take you a day of Hallmark movies, but it’s completely worth the time and the romance. I have never packed this wreath away. It always hangs somewhere in our home. Right now it’s hanging in my studio landing to my office and craft studio.
See how to make this awesome wreath here.

Let me know your favorite wreath in comments below. Thank you for reading and creating along with me.

Jeanette is a blogger, DIY home decor designer, and believer in mindful creativity. Her inspiration is to help women find their creativity. Alzheimer’s is common in her family, mindfulness and living a calm life is paramount. Creativity grows when we gather.
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