Unique Autumn Sign

Don’t you sometimes want to let go and do weird? I did with this unique autumn sign, yesterday.

This project is soooo easy…

you don’t even have to clean your paintbrush!

And I don’t like cleaning my paintbrush…as you can see! :/

But I do like easy

and unique!!!!

Unique autumn sign https://countrydesignstyle.com #autumn #fall #sign

So make a pile of “dead” dried-out paintbrushes.  You know the ones when you were soooo excited about your DIY project, you didn’t even think about the paintbrush until 3 days later.  Yep, I do that too! 🙂

Pick out 6 paintbrushes that are about the same size.  It doesn’t matter what the color is of the dried-on paint.


Paintbrushes hanging from nails in wood

You’re just going to add on MORE paint!

Spell out A~U~T~U~M~N on the dried brush bristles.

Tip: On my first try I used only the barn red color but on the first “U” and the “M” the red didn’t show well.  So, I repainted using more autumn colors.  Use dark paint on light-dried paint and dark on light-dried paint.

I used small nails and hung my unique autumn sign directly on my old door.

unique autumn sign https://countrydesignstyle.com #autumn #sign #fall

A piece of twine threaded through the paintbrush holes and it would be a cool banner.  Plus the “sign” could say anything.  Fun for a paint party or children’s party.

I like two-minute projects!


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  1. chris aka monkey says:

    jeanette i would love to be inside your head just for a day my brain couldn’t download any more than a days worth of ideas ha ha i want to run to the store and get some cheap paint brushes and do this now it is cool cool cool xx

    1. Chris, so funny! Inside my head even for a day would be frightening. My problem is getting it to turn off. By the way, I love dollar type stores paintbrushes. I do have a few good brushes I’ve had for years, but for most of the painting I do a dollar brush works just fine. ~Jeanette

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