Country Design Keeping

Country Design Keeping https://countrydesignstyle.comToday I’m starting a new themed post called, Country Design Keeping.

I like the phase, “In someone’s keeping.”

This would be a place and time for housekeeping.

Not the dusty, piles of laundry, and dried on food dishes kind of housekeeping! Yuck!

Just a post with a collection of small things that by themselves are not quite enough for a whole post.

Something like Thistlewood’s, “Thistlekeeping.”

My grandpa who was the greatest man to walk the earth to me, always used the word, “keen.”

I thought about calling this Country Design Keen.  But “keeping” is more inline with what these posts will be.

But they will be “keen” too!


An Interview

Today I was interviewed by Floor Coverings International!  Click to read the complete interview.

The hardest question…How do you find inspiration?

Easiest question…Why did I choose DIY for blogging?

Sometimes it’s fun to step back and think how did I get here?  Puts things in perspective.

Thank you Floor Coverings International for the opportunity! 🙂


Bowling Skills

I’ve been a volunteer on a fundraising committee for our local Humane Society for the last 4 years.  On the decorating group!  On September 19th, I will have the opportunity to show off my bowling skills.

My bowling skills consist of throwing the ball into the lane and knocking over all the pins…

on the lane next to the one I’m supposed to be using!

Winning the prize for the lowest score in the group!

Oh, the object is to get a high score! :/

I’ve only thrown the ball behind me once!

So far!

Here’s a link to our little Humane Society that could!

This video shows why it’s called it that.  Warning, grab a tissue for the first part, but it ends well!

Also, there is music…if you’re at work! 🙂


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Have you noticed I’ve added signup along the top?  You can have CDS post delivered to your inbox.  If you haven’t signed up yet and like the projects, how to’s and musing going on here, signup!

Any comments, ideas or projects you would like to see let me know in comments below.  Thanks for reading.

I’ll add my bowling score in the next County Design Keeping!

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  1. chris aka monkey says:

    besides diying things i love you seem like such a nice person xx

    1. Chris, thank you so much, as I’m wiping away happy tears. You’re nice too! I come from a nice family. Plus, I believe life is easier if you’re nice. Thanks for always visiting and leaving comments. Have a nice week. 🙂 ~Jeanette

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