Friday Friends Fun Halloween Projects
Fun Halloween Projects
The creepy, squishy howls & helter-skelter, corn maze of Halloween decorating will soon end in sticky gooey candy stuck between the sofa cushions.
Today I sharing ideas to help you get ready for the chaos. A funky collection of easy Halloween ideas from my blogging friends. Which one will you try first? Because you will want to try them all.
Even the creepy ones! Boo!
Fun Halloween
My vintage finding friend, Pam from the House of Hawthornes shares funky and vintage ideas on the front porch. You have to see her front door…yikes!
I’m not a bug kind of gal, but these guys created by Kim from Hunt and Host are okay…under glass! Her mantel is to die for.
Amiee is the “crazy crafty lady” and comes up with adorable ideas. The kids and grandkids could have a blast with this project. Pop over and check out the video.
This incredible night pumpkin looks hard to recreate but anyone can do it with Hannah easy to follow tutorial. Her website is “we lived happily ever after.” It’s a beautiful website too.
How many times have you passed these candles in the thrift store? Now you’ll be running back to buy them when you see what Sarah from Sadie Seasongoods does with them.
I’m waiting for the creepy movies to stop showing late at night. Boo!
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