Funny Halloween Display

Funny Halloween Display fp | Country Design Style |

What do you do for Halloween when the kids are gone and you live in a retirement area?

Well, usually nothing. 🙁

This year I wanted to do something!!  Like, pretend we will get little ghosts and goblin trick or treaters and buy a cauldron of candy.  Just to eat ourselves.  I could decorate the outside of our house with giant spiders.  But we only get a couple of cars to drive up our street in a week.   Or we might dress up like Ma and Pa Kettle and find a party to crash.

Better, I’ll create a “funny” Halloween display for us to enjoy…along with a bag of candy.

Funny Halloween Display

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Funny Halloween Display skeleton on pumpkin


I used small plastic skeletons and small black birds to add a bit of whimsy.  I’ve had the blackbirds for several years and have no idea where I found them. :/  But I did find black scary crows that might work.

Funny Halloween display escaping birds

I used an empty thrift store frame.  Then added the birds.  Some inside the frame and others outside.  Notice one bird says, “I’m outta here!”  He’s going the wrong way.

two skeletons helping on climb up a cabinet


When looking for a pumpkin, do you find the best or the worse?

Can you guess which one I look for?

Funny Halloween Display all | Country Design Style |

I used a small tabletop cabinet for the skeletons to climb.  Then I draped “clean” black spider web.  Have you ever used the spider web that sticks to E~V~E~R~Y~T~H~I~N~G!!!

Then I heated up the hot glue gun and glued the skeletons in place.  One foot on the overturned pumpkin.  One sitting on top of his head.  Then a foot glues the that one’s head.  Finishing with two hands are glued together.

The extra skeleton is hanging around an open drawer.

Hmmm, my bag of candy is gone!

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